2021-04-10 15:03:53 27.16MB BDE_Installer_fo bde xe10.4 Sydney
百度在线车牌识别DELPHI XE10版,功能就是识别一张图片中的车牌号,用的是百度的在线识别方法。
2021-04-08 20:29:36 93KB DELPHI 车牌识别 百度车牌识别
2021-04-08 14:35:11 743KB XE10 XE 10.3 激活工具
分享RadStudioKeygen_10.3,Delphi XE10.3 成功激活(亲测通过), 安装前准备:关闭网络、关闭安全软件,按提示安装激活后恢复安全网络。
2021-04-08 14:32:02 650KB delphi xe 10.3
1. 新增安装环境 xe 10.4.2 syndney 2. 取消支援intraWeb 元件 安装方式 1.解压缩档案 2.将解压缩目录下source 路径新增到library path 3.打开package下所属版本的专案 Choose : File, Open and browse for the correct Packages\sgcWebSockets.groupproj (First compile sgcWebSocketsX.dpk and then install dclsgcWebSocketsX.dpk) packages files for Rad Studio: sgcWebSocketsD7.bpg : Delphi 7 sgcWebSocketsD2007.groupproj : Delphi 2007 sgcWebSocketsD2009.groupproj : Delphi 2009 sgcWebSocketsD2010.groupproj : Delphi 2010 sgcWebSocketsDXE.groupproj : Delphi XE sgcWebSocketsDXE2.groupproj : Delphi XE2 sgcWebSocketsDXE3.groupproj : Delphi XE3 sgcWebSocketsDXE4.groupproj : Delphi XE4 sgcWebSocketsDXE5.groupproj : Delphi XE5 sgcWebSocketsDXE6.groupproj : Delphi XE6 sgcWebSocketsDXE7.groupproj : Delphi XE7 sgcWebSocketsDXE8.groupproj : Delphi XE8 sgcWebSocketsD10.groupproj : Delphi 10 sgcWebSocketsD10_1.groupproj : Delphi 10.1 sgcWebSocketsD10_2.groupproj : Delphi 10.2 sgcWebSocketsD10_3.groupproj : Delphi 10.3 sgcWebSocketsD10_4.groupproj : Delphi 10.4
2021-04-06 09:05:58 24.9MB sgcWebSockets sydney delphi
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2021-04-03 15:41:57 23.18MB Delphi酷界面
Ehlib 9.4.019亲测可用,可以使用版本delphi7-delphiXE10.3,贡献出来给大家使用
2021-04-03 15:28:58 22.01MB delphi DbGridEh(
2021-03-30 11:22:49 1.49MB delphi 支付宝支付
Our award-winning InfoPower for Delphi VCL library is the most popular suite of components for building front ends for database applications. NEW - With InfoPower 4k Rio, you will build state-of-the-art VCL applications that look beautiful on high-resolution monitors. Say goodbye to fuzzy or tiny fonts and glyphs. Now integrate with 10.3 Rio's new TVirtualImageList so that your app looks great on all monitors. ​ Prior versions of InfoPower would not scale text or images correctly for High-DPI, making the applications almost unusable for your end-users who use hi-res monitors.
2021-03-28 14:51:04 28.44MB Woll2Woll In