2019-12-21 20:46:28 1.44MB motion-perfe
手势识别 画圈 滑动 C#2010 开发 按手势移动控件。有leap motion设备 可以直接拿来测试。
2019-12-21 20:43:46 546KB leap motion
Embedded MotionDriver 6.12 is our first ever 9-axis solution not locked to a specific MCU.Version 6.1.2 is an update to 6.1 that includes bug fixes and new libraries. This release is supported across all ARM Mx core architectures and supports the InvenSense MPU-6000, 6050, 6500, 9150, and 9250. The release includes optimized libraries and example projects for M3 and M4 cores as well the generic ARM library for any Mx core and an additional library and project for the TI MSP430. eMD 6.1 also includes a Python client for both visualizing the sensor performance and commands for printing data. This solution will allow you to easily leverage and configure numerous features of the DMP and also benefit from dynamic features in the MPL software library. Libraries specific to IAR, Keil, and GCC are included.
2019-12-21 20:40:52 23.08MB MPU6050 MPU9250
机器人学中的圣经,做运动规划的手头书籍,可惜国内没有引进,这是.chm格式的电子版,方便大家阅读和查找章节。作者之一是Lydia E. Kavraki,相信做运动规划的同学都知道她。从位姿空间到一些传统的规划方法,如势场法到概率完备的规划方法如PRM,RRT等,全都有详细讲解。
2019-12-21 20:40:44 31.49MB Robot Motion
leap motion获取手势参数写入txt,可用串口助手读取发送给下位机控制机械臂
2019-12-21 20:32:44 28.29MB leap motion
MotionPro 客户端64位安装包,支持windows 7 ,windows 10 可以使用,不错哦
2019-12-21 20:24:57 66.94MB MotionPro Motion
虽然书名是关于计算机视觉在视觉特效中的应用,但是这是机器视觉方面的一个很好的综述:Image Matting,Image Compositing and Editing,Features and Matching,Dense Correspondence and Its Applications,Matchmoving,Motion Capture,Three-Dimensional Data Acquisition ...
2019-12-21 20:23:50 18.27MB Image Mattin Matchmoving Motion
书是chm格式的,能直接打开不用阅读器的,要是打不开右键——属性——解除锁定就可以了 这本书非常著名,是机器人运动规划方面的权威著作。但是不知道为什么国内好像没有引进。搞机器人运动规划的基本上都知道它。网上关于这本书的资料也很少。拿出来跟大家分享,chm格式的。
2019-12-21 20:14:54 31.52MB 机器人 运动规划
Robot Motion Planning and Control, Laboratoire d'Analye et d'Architecture des Systemes Centre National de la Recherche Scientique LAAS report 97438 Foreword How can a robot decide what motions to perform in order to achieve tasks in the physical world ? The existing industrial robot programming systems still have very limited motion planning capabilities. Moreover the eld of robotics is growing: space exploration, undersea work, intervention in hazardous environments, servicing robotics : : : Motion planning appears as one of the components for the necessary autonomy of the robots in such real contexts. It is also a fundamental issue in robot simulation software to help work cell designers to determine collision free paths for robots performing specic tasks.
2019-12-21 20:11:24 3.57MB 机器人 自动驾驶 规划 控制
手势识别 画圈 滑动 C#2010 开发 按手势移动控件。有leap motion设备 可以直接拿来测试。
2019-12-21 20:11:08 731KB leap 手势 C# 2010