电力线窄带和宽带通信的理论与应用 英文版
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Command Line Fundamentals: Learn to use the Unix command-line tools and Bash shell scripting By 作者: Vivek N ISBN-10 书号: 178980776X ISBN-13 书号: 9781789807769 出版日期: 2018-12-24 pages 页数: (314) The most basic interface to a computer—the command line—remains the most flexible and powerful way of processing data and performing and automating various day-to-day tasks. Command Line Fundamentals begins by exploring the basics, and then focuses on the most common tool, the Bash shell (which is standard on all Linux and iOS systems). As you make your way through the book, you’ll explore the traditional Unix command-line programs as implemented by the GNU project. You’ll also learn to use redirection and pipelines to assemble these programs to solve complex problems. By the end of this book, you’ll have explored the basics of shell scripting, allowing you to easily and quickly automate tasks. Contents What You Will Learn Use the Bash shell to run commands Utilize basic Unix utilities such as cat, tr, sort, and uniq Explore shell wildcards to manage groups of files Apply useful keyboard shortcuts in shell Employ redirection and pipes to process data Write both basic and advanced shell scripts to automate tasks Authors Vivek N Vivek N is a self-taught programmer who has been programming for almost 30 years now, since the age of 8, with experience in X86 Assembler, C, Delphi, Python, JavaScript, and C++. He has been working with the command line since the days of DOS 4.01 and is keen to introduce the new generation of computer users to the power it holds to make their life easier.
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