这是 《算法导论第3版》英文版 Introduction-to-algorithm-3rdEdition(非扫描版)是一本十分经典的计算机算法书籍,与高德纳(Donald E.Knuth)的《计算机程序设计艺术》(《The Art Of Computer Programming》)相媲美。
2022-05-18 07:44:54 8.83MB 非扫描版
2022-05-17 15:12:09 6.14MB Multivariate Statistical Analysis
2022-05-16 20:27:29 4.36MB Neural Networks
第一章:介绍机器学习研究的总体思路,发展历史与关键问题; 第二章:介绍线性模型,包括线性预测模型,线性分类模型和线性高斯概率模型; 第三章:介绍神经网络的基础知识、基础结构和训练方法; 第四章:介绍深度神经网络的基础方法和最新进展; 第五章:介绍核方法,特别是支持向量机模型; 第六章:介绍图模型的基本概念和基于图模型的学习和推理方法; 第七章:介绍无监督学习方法,特别是各种聚类方法和流形学习; 第八章:介绍非参数贝斯模型,重点关注高斯过程和狄利克雷过程; 第九章:介绍遗传算法、遗传编程、群体学习等演化学习方法; 第十章:介绍强化学习,包括基础算法及近年来兴起的深度强化学习方法; 第十一章:介绍各种数值优化方法。
2022-05-13 16:05:31 16.67MB 人工智能 机器学习 machine learning
Introduction to Recursive Programming 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2022-05-12 15:50:26 10.24MB Introduction Recursive Programming
2022-05-12 15:07:20 9.7MB Electric Cir
Introduction to Python Programming is written for students who are beginners in the field of computer programming. This book presents an intuitive approach to the concepts of Python Programming for students. This book differs from traditional texts not only in its philosophy but also in its overall focus, level of activities, development of topics, and attention to programming details. The contents of the book are chosen with utmost care after analyzing the syllabus for Python course prescribed by various top universities in USA, Europe, and Asia. Since the prerequisite know-how varies significantly from student to student, the book’s overall overture addresses the challenges of teaching and learning of students which is fine-tuned by the authors’ experience with large sections of students. This book uses natural language expressions instead of the traditional shortened words of the programming world. This book has been written with the goal to provide students with a textbook that can be easily understood and to make a connection between what students are learning and how they may apply that knowledge. Features of this book This book does not assume any previous programming experience, although of course, any exposure to other programming languages is useful This book introduces all of the key concepts of Python programming language with helpful illustrations Programming examples are presented in a clear and consistent manner Each line of code is numbered and explained in detail Use of f-strings throughout the book Hundreds of real-world examples are included and they come from fields such as entertainment, sports, music and environmental studies Students can periodically check their progress with in-chapter quizzes that appear in all chapters
2022-05-11 22:11:29 14.11MB Python
Introduction to Fourier Optics 2nd-Goodman
2022-05-09 22:35:46 9.37MB Introduction to Fourier Optics
Matlab代码verilog 自我介绍 我来自华中科技大学。 我正在电子信息和通信学院的精英工程师班学习。 我的技能 C C ++ Java Python Swift Verilog Matlab的 现场可编程门阵列 主控板 模拟电路 数字电路 我的专案 ICDAR-2015数据集标签 LabelImg是图形图像注释工具。 使用Qt C ++和Python开发。 用户只需拖动即可使用此gui软件制作ICDAR 2015格式的数据集。 它还实现了一个ML模型来检测场景中的单词。 ICDAR2013的报告结果是: 模型 总数 总数N 总数 记起 精确 H均值 像素链接 1095 1090 704 64.30% 64.587% 64.44% Seed_Cup_TextCNN 种子杯机器学习能力代码。 我们开发了CNN NLP模型,该模型可以处理产品说明的屏蔽数据并确定产品类别。 最终得分是86.04%。 例子 Matlab音乐播放器 一个简单的具有多种功能的Matlab音乐播放器:钢琴模式 WWWDC 2019奖学金(不及格) 一个快速的操场,展示了八皇后游戏的问题。 音乐展示台 一个快速
2022-05-07 20:37:24 221.12MB 系统开源
学习计算流体力学极好的外文资料,英国 大学很多用这本。