2019-12-21 19:47:42 5.25MB 飞控
数据库系统实现( Datebase System Implementation)英文版 单文件 带章节书签 pdf
2019-12-21 19:41:40 11.57MB 数据库 Datebase System 英文版
2019-12-21 19:30:12 493KB Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
Network processors are fundamental building blocks in modern communication systems, in which tens of Gbps network streams have to be processed in real time. Current network applications and traffic requirements necessitate processing speeds and capabilities that are beyond those of conventional, general purpose central processing units. Network processors are the only programmable solution that can handle modern network streams demands. However, implementing network processors requires a new programming paradigm that can meet network processing requirements.This book leads the reader through the requirements and the underlying theory of network processors, real applications and implementation of network processors, and includes the EZChip Microcode Development Environment so that readers can gain hands-on experience in writing high speed networking applications. By the end of the book the reader will be able to write and test his own applications on a simulated network processor. Detailed coverage of what network processors are all about and what can be done with them numerous, real examples of networking applications and implementations (analysis, algorithm, and code) are provided.
2019-12-21 19:28:16 10.34MB Network
提起PBRT(Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation)这本书, 在图形学业界可是鼎鼎大名, 该书获得2005年软件界Jolt图书类大奖. 这本书与众不同的是把当今图形学相当高级的理论成就联系到具体实现上来, 系统而又细致地阐述如何作出一流水准的图形渲染器的方方面面
2019-12-21 19:26:26 38.79MB PBRT 第三版 PBR 基于物理渲染
2019-12-21 18:52:16 669KB Visa GP API