2020-01-03 11:20:38 5.81MB MFC DM条码的识别
C# 生成二维码,利用DataMatrix库生成DM二维码并且进行边缘校准,方便打印张贴,可以批量生成放入A4纸进行打印。
2019-12-21 22:18:05 832KB DataMatrix
WinCE驱动调试助手是一个用来动态管理WinCE流驱动的小工具,支持WinCE4.2、WinCE5.0和WinCE6.0。在WinCE5.0和6.0中,DM也可动态管理系统启动时加载的驱动。该工具也支持基本的注册表操作,包括导入导出、查找、新建、删除、编辑和重命名等。 在英文版的操作系统中,驱动调试助手不能正常显示。此时可将simsun.ttc与DM.exe放在同一目录下,并点击菜单“Support CHS”以支持显示中文。
2019-12-21 22:08:25 3.63MB wince 注册表
2019-12-21 22:08:07 5.47MB java生成二维码图片(dm格式的)
2019-12-21 21:51:49 113.84MB DM数据库
2019-12-21 21:49:03 36.5MB ansys workbench DM模块 实例
达梦7JDBC驱动分为Dm7JdbcDriver14、Dm7JdbcDriver15、Dm7JdbcDriver16,分别对应Jdk1.4、Jdk1.5、Jdk1.6; 达梦7Hibernate方言包分为Dm7Dialect314、Dm7Dialect15、Dm7Dialect16,分别对应Jdk1.4、Jdk1.5、Jdk1.6;
2019-12-21 21:26:19 3.24MB 达梦,jar DM
* Packed with more than forty percent new and updated material, this edition shows business managers, marketing analysts, and data mining specialists how to harness fundamental data mining methods and techniques to solve common types of business problems    * Each chapter covers a new data mining technique, and then shows readers how to apply the technique for improved marketing, sales, and customer support    * The authors build on their reputation for concise, clear, and practical explanations of complex concepts, making this book the perfect introduction to data mining    * More advanced chapters cover such topics as how to prepare data for analysis and how to create the necessary infrastructure for data mining    * Covers core data mining techniques, including decision trees, neural networks, collaborative filtering, association rules, link analysis, clustering, and survival analysis
2019-12-21 21:16:11 8.92MB DM Marketing Sales CRM
stm32F407 串口显示 adc采样 dma 传输 在正点原子的例程上改的。里面附有 stm32 中英说明书
2019-12-21 21:01:22 24.05MB adc dm stm32
1.Suppose that a data warehouse consists of four dimensions, date, spectator, location, and game, and two measures, count and charge, where charge is the fare that a spectator pays when watching a game on a given date. Spectators may be students, adults, or seniors, with each category having its own charge rate. (a)Draw a star schema diagram for the data warehouse. (b) Starting with the base cuboid [date, spectator, location, game],what specific OLAP operations should one perform in order to list the total charge paid by student spectators in Los Angeles? (c) Bitmap indexing is a very useful optimization technique. Please present the pros and cons of using bitmap indexing in this given data warehouse.
2019-12-21 20:39:57 955KB cs dm