Elastic APM Sourcemap操作 保存源地图以用于Kibana APM。 要求源映射的名称与其附加了.map的捆绑包的名称相同。 输入项 apm_node 必需的Elastic APM端点。 service_version 必需RUM代理中使用的服务版本。 service_name 必需RUM代理中使用的服务名称。 sourcemap_buld_directory 必需的本地目录,源地图绑定到该本地目录( build , dist或类似目录)。 sourcemap_pattern 必需的Sourcemap模式匹配。 默认为"**/*.map" 。 bundle_url 要将源映射部署到的必需基本URL。 token 必需您的弹性API令牌/密钥。 用法示例 - name: Publish sourcemaps uses: strikelabs/elasti
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《spring in action》一书的英文原版
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Spring Integration is a Java-based enterprise integration framework that provides a lightweight alternative to more traditional ESBs. By merging the 'Enterprise Integration Patterns' outlined by Hohpe and Woolf (Addison Wesley, 2003) with the programming model of the Spring framework, Spring Integration is remarkably powerful and yet easy to use., , Spring Integration in Action is a hands-on guide to Spring-based messaging and integration. After addressing the core messaging patterns, the book turns to the adapters that enable integration with external systems. Readers will explore real-world enterprise integration scenarios using JMS, Web Services, file systems, and email. The book concludes with a practical guide to advanced topics such as concurrency, performance, system-management, and monitoring.
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Open Source ESBs in Action 中英文版
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MEAP v12,有前10章的内容。 Kafka in Action is a practical, hands-on guide to building Kafka-based data pipelines. Filled with real-world use cases and scenarios, this book probes Kafka’s most common use cases, ranging from simple logging through managing streaming data systems for message routing, analytics
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经过整理的kotlin in action含有四个版本pdf mobi epub azw3。pdf是高清的,含有完整目录,内容完整,多种选择。
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以实际案例介绍Meteor开发方法。 Meteor in Action teaches you full-stack web development using the Meteor platform. It starts with an overview of a Meteor application, revealing the unique nature of Meteor's end-to-end application model. Then you'll dive into the Blaze templating engine, discover Meteor's reactiv
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Phoenix is a modern web framework built for the Elixir programming language. Elegant, fault-tolerant, and performant, Phoenix is as easy to use as Rails and as rock-solid as Elixir's Erlang-based foundation. Phoenix in Action builds on your existing web dev skills, teaching you the unique benefits of Phoenix along with just enough Elixir to get the job done.
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