Functions of a research proposal Planning tool for the researcher Rough draft of the final research report Convincing others that your research is worth undertaking Demonstrating expertise and competency in your particular area of study
2021-08-07 14:05:20 451KB 报告 数据科学 统计分析 数据分析
单样本t检验 独立样本t检验 配对样本t检验 单因素方差分析 Normal distribution and sampling distribution Normal distribution is made up of individual scores. Sampling distribution is composed of group means. With more groups means, a curve of their distribution would be symmetric. This symmetric curve is not called a normal distribution but rather a sampling distribution of means A sampling distribution is the distribution of a sample statistic that would be obtained if all possible samples of the same size were drawn from a given population.
Pearson Correlation The Pearson correlation allows us to establish the strength of relationships between continuous variables. To show the relationship, the first step is to draw a scatterplot or scattergram, which can help us to obtain a preliminary understanding of this relationship. The scatterplot can be described in terms of direction, strength and linearity. Correlation and SPSS Pearson product-moment coefficient is designed for interval level (continuous) variables. It can also be used if you have one continuous variable (e.g., scores on a measure of self-esteem) and one dichotomous variable (e.g., sex: M/F). Spearman rank order correlation is designed for use with ordinal level or ranked data. SPSS will calculate two types of correlation. First, it will give a simple bivariate correlation (which just means between two variables), also known as zero-order correlation. SPSS will also explore the relationship between two variables, while controlling for another variable. This is known as partial correlation.
2021-08-07 14:05:19 1.16MB 数据分析 SPSS 回归分析 相关分析
matlab最简单的代码 HUST-EIC-MathematicalModeling 电信提高班独有的数学建模课程代码(2021版) 这个课可能只有电信提高班的有了,代码是本人自己写的,少部分参考了同学的。由于老师推荐matlab写代码,但是本人在处理简单数据和编程都喜欢python,因此后期有无matlab版本要看有无好心人帮助建设仓库了。 部分代码使用同学的,一些封装和代码风格并不完善,有一些问题可以及时反馈。联系本人 不要强求代码很好看或者算法和优秀,这门课目的不是纯编程课 作业说明: Lesson1 2个作业部分,分别在两个压缩包。华容道自己闲的用java、C++、py各写了一遍,但是都没怎么优化算法 Lesson2 Euler法解方程时,递推公式需要一直改的,交完作业懒得动了,有兴趣的同学自行添加功能实现封装,以使得每次运行不需要都重新改代码(在 23行)。 Lesson3 直接用lingo求解的,其他做法看其他同学提不提供了 Lesson4 matlab写的,把三个题都写在一个文件了,用提示信息指示不同题目 Lesson5 前4题是提供的,本人主要写了最后一
2021-08-06 23:15:26 15.24MB 系统开源
华中科技大学计算机组成原理PPT 和硬件设计ppt。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
2021-08-04 12:35:53 68.21MB 华中科技大学 计算机组成原理 PPT
2021-07-31 15:59:51 1.5MB 2017B题 优化定价模型 高教社杯
2021-07-29 15:09:14 3.61MB 华中科技大学 电路原理 电路理论 PPT
华中科技大学计算机组成原理教学PPT,包含10个PPT ,由谭志虎老师教授,如转载,请说明出处。
自动控制原理_华中科技大学_ppt课件 字迹清晰,排版舒畅,适合作为参考课件使用。 配合胡寿松 自动控制原理教材使用更加。
2021-07-22 18:37:40 9.06MB 自动控制原理 华科 ppt