leetcode python题解,包含大量leetcode题目的解法,源代码,python实现
Course Schedule 21.4.4Number of islands14.5HeapsMerge K Sorted Linked Lists1.5.1Kth Largest Element in an Array1.5.2Arrays1.62sum‖l1.62SumⅢ1.6.2Contains Duplicate1.6.3Rotate Array1.643 Sum Smaller1.653 Sum closest1.663 Sum1.6.7Two Sum1.68Plus One1.6.9Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock1.6.10Shortest word distance1.6.11Move zeroes1.6.12Contains Duplicate1.6.13Majority Element1.6.14Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array1.6.15Nested List Weight Sum1.6.16Nested List Weighted Sum Il1.6.17Remove element1.6.18Intersection of Two Arrays ll1.6.19Merge Sorted Arrays1.6.20Reverse Vowels of a String1.6.21Intersection of Two Arrays1.6.22Container with most water1.6.23Product of Array Except Self1.6.24Trapping Rain Water1.6.25Maximum Subarray1.6.26Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Il1.6.27Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array1.6.28Pascal's Triangle1.6.29Pascal's Triangle‖l1.6.30Summary Ranges1.6.31Missing Number1.6.32StringsValid Anagram1.7.1Valid palindrome1.7.2Word Pattern1.7.3Valid Parentheses1.7.4Isomorphic Strings1.7.5Reverse String1.7.6Bit ManipulationSum of Two Integers18.1Single Number18.2Single number‖18.3Single Number Ill1.8.4Maths1.9Reverse Integer1.9.1Palindrome number19.2Pow(x, n)19.3Subsets1.94Subsets‖195Fraction to Recurring Decimal19.6Excel sheet column number19.7Excel sheet column title19.8Factorial Trailing zeros199Happy Number1.9.10Count primes1.9.11Plus one19.12Divide Two Integers19.13Multiply Strings1.9.14Max Points on a line1.9.15Product of Array Except Self19.16Power of three19.17Integer Break1.9.18Power of four9.19Add digits1.9.20Ugly Number1.9.21gly Number ll1.9.22Super Ugly Number19.23Find K pairs with smallest sums1.924Self Crossing1.9.25Paint fence1.9.26Bulb switcher19.27Nim game1.9.28Matrix1.10Rotate Image1.10.1Set matrix Zeroes1.10.2Search a 2D Matrix1.10.3Search a 2d Matrix l1.10.4Spiral Matrix1.10.5Spiral Matrix‖l1.10.6DesignLRU Cache1.11.1IntroductionMy Leetcode Solutions in PythonThis book will contain my solutions in Python to the leetcode problems. Currently,will just try to post the accepted solutions. The plan is to eventually includedetailed explanations of each and every solution am doing this just for funLinked List CycleLinked List CvcleGiven a linked list, determine if it has a cycle in itFollow up: Can you solve it without using extra space?Url:https://leetcode.com/problems/linked-list-cycle/Definition for singly-linked listclass ListNode object)###def init(self, x)self, val = xself, next Noneclass Solution(object):def hasCycle(self, head)I Itype head: ListNodertype: boolII IIif head = nonereturn falseelsefast headslow= headWhile fast none and fast. next nonesloW =slow nextfast fast. next nextif fast = slow:breaki千fastNone or fast. next = nonereturn Falseelif fast = slowreturn truereturn falseLinked List CycleReverse Linked ListReverse Linked listReverse a singly linked listUrl:https://eetcode.com/problems/reverse-linked-list/definition for singly-linked list#t class ListNode(object):##def -init(self, x)self.∨al=xself next noneclass Solution(object):def reverseList(self, head)11 II l1type head: ListNodertype: ListNodeif head = nonereturn noneelif head != none and head next = nonereturn headelsetemp Nonenext node noneWhile head Nonenext node head nexthead. next temptemp= headhead next nodereturn tempDelete node in a linked listDelete node in a linked listWrite a function to delete a node(except the tail) in a singly linked list, given onlyaccess to that nodeSupposed the linked list is 1->2->3->4 and you are given the third node withvalue 3, the linked list should become 1->2->4 after calling your functionUrl:https://eetcode.com/problems/delete-node-in-a-linked-list/Definition for singly-linked listclass ListNode(object):#def -init (self, x)#self, val xself, next Noneclass solution(object):def deleteNode(self, node):I Il IItype node: ListNodertype: void Do not return anything modify node in-place insteadI 1 11f node = nonepasse⊥se:next node node. nextnode val next node valnode. next next node, next