Mastering Django: Core 精通 Django中文版。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
2019-12-21 20:35:31 7.34MB Django 中文版 Mastering
ROS_Robot_Programming中文版(从基本概念到机器人应用程序编程实战)(入门经典),Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming
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Mastering MongoDB 4.x - Second Edition - Alex Giamas(2019),MongDB优秀英文参考书籍,epub格式,欢迎下载
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Mastering OpenCV 4 3rd Edition 9781789533576
2019-12-21 20:27:56 124.66MB OpenCV OpenCV4 C++ Computer
Mastering Selenium WebDriver 3, telling us how to use the Selenium WebDriver to automate webt testing and crawl web page which is heavy javascript.
2019-12-21 20:27:34 12.44MB Selenium
《精通比特币》第二版 pdf 版,原书是mastering bitcoin, 这是中文翻译版
2019-12-21 20:24:44 12.55MB 精通比特币 第二版 pdf
Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming is an advanced guide of ROS that is very suitable for readers who already have a basic knowledge in ROS. ROS is widely used in robotics companies, universities, and robotics research institutes for designing, building, and simulating a robot model and interfacing it into real hardware. ROS is now an essential requirement for Robotic engineers; this guide can help you acquire knowledge of ROS and can also help you polish your skills in ROS using interactive examples. Even though it is an advanced guide, you can see the basics of ROS in the first chapter to refresh the concepts. It also helps ROS beginners. The book mainly focuses on the advanced concepts of ROS, such as ROS Navigation stack, ROS MoveIt!, ROS plugins, nodelets, controllers, ROS Industrial, and so on.
2019-12-21 20:23:39 12.55MB ROS Robot
1 官网推荐书籍, 包含Mastering GeoServer.pdf 和 GeoServer Beginner's Guide.pdf 两本。 文字目录清晰
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Mastering Qt 5: Create stunning cross-platform applications》和《Learn Qt 5: Build modern, responsive cross-platform desktop applications with Qt, C++, and QML》 2个积分,意思一下
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