power_ThreePhaseSineGenerator matlab simulink 电子电器仿真模型 源文件.zip.zip.zip
2022-07-09 17:05:36 21KB simulink
power_Transformations matlab simulink 电子电器仿真模型 源文件.zip.zip.zip
2022-07-09 17:05:36 24KB simulink
2022-07-07 19:01:05 394KB HBT
2022-07-07 14:03:11 144KB 文档资料
可转债全自动筛选神器, 是基于微软的办公软件Power Bi制作的 由于Power Bi需要耗费电脑大量内存 最近推出excel版本,占用内存较小,运行 更加流畅,最近本人又推出神器终极使用版本 大家打开一个网址就可以看到最新的神器 运行结果,手机电脑均可,附最新的视频教程 赶快下载试试吧 目前收录了: 1.晴雨表策略。 2.双低策略。 3.传统方法策略。 4.基本方法策略。 5.博到期策略。 6.淘金组合策略。 7.前世今生策略。 8.持有封基策略。 9.博下修策略。 10.正股银行杀溢价策略。 还有最新增加的抓妖债策略。 策略不断更新中…… 另外还收录了可转债温度计, 可转债行业分类表格汇总, 新债申购提醒,上市提醒,强赎卖出提醒,, 只需每天点击一下,以上数据自动更新, 是我们投资可转债的好帮手 配套详细的使用教程
2022-07-07 09:08:08 274.57MB 可转债自动
The purpose of this book is to provide students of electric power system management the basic knowledge of different optimization problems in the power system operation of utilities as well as the electricity market. The contents of the book are based on recent studies specializing in the application of artificial intelligence such as particle swarm optimization, evolutionary programming, fuzzy logic, and augmented Lagrange Hopfield network to power system optimization problems.
2022-07-03 22:24:22 7.75MB 电力系统
Optimization of Power System Operation applies the latest applications of new technologies to power system operation and analysis, including several new and important areas that are not covered in existing books: uncertainty analysis in power systems; steady-state security region analysis; optimal load shedding; and optimal reconfiguration of electric distribution networks. The book covers both traditional and modern technologies, including power flow analysis, steady-state security region analysis, security constrained economic dispatch, multi-area system economic dispatch, unit commitment, optimal power flow, smart grid operation, optimal load shed, optimal reconfiguration of distribution network, power system uncertainty analysis, power system sensitivity analysis, analytic hierarchical process, neural network, fuzzy theory, genetic algorithm, evolutionary programming, and particle swarm optimization, among others. New topics such as the wheeling model, multi-area wheeling, the total transfer capability computation in multiple areas, are also addressed. The application of renewable energy and operation of smart grid is also included in the book
2022-07-03 19:53:35 8.55MB power system
资源来自b站up主-孙新华zz 非常适合新手入手power Bi商业智能分析
2022-06-26 11:59:18 2.99MB 学习 综合资源
计算模型与算法技术:11-Limitations of Algorithm Power.ppt
2022-06-24 09:08:26 4.14MB 计算模型与算法技术
计算模型与算法技术:12-Coping with the Limitations of Algorithm Power.ppt
2022-06-24 09:08:26 5.45MB 计算模型与算法技术