ComPort 6.0 for Delphi XE10.1-XE10.3 新版好用多了,完美使用于各类COM接口,使用方面的问题可以互相交流下
2021-05-06 12:01:19 1.13MB Comport COM
Delphi最专业的图表插件,delphi XE10.3,和XE10.4,亲测可用
2021-04-29 01:38:58 134.17MB delphiXE10.4 TeeChartPro delphiXE10.3 delphi
2021-04-29 01:25:26 22.9MB reportmachine
这只是版本,程序源码在另一个我上传的另外一个资源里面,有兴趣的可以点我的资源去下载。程序是MYLOVE更新的,MY的XE10.3BLUE已经发布 全民MYSQL BLUE 开启,一起进入XE时代
2021-04-25 08:49:57 46.77MB ARKM2版本
2021-04-18 18:34:30 5.56MB Business SkinForm Delphi XE
使用unigui的唯一EXCEL控件!!!TMS FlexCel for VCL & FMX6.26.0.0源码版,支持Win32, Win64, macOS, iOS, Android and Linux,全面支持Excel 97-Excel 2019的强大、全面与灵活的Excel组件包(EXCEL导出/导入功能的最佳实现者),不需要在目标机安装Excel软件。
2021-04-17 13:00:13 32.56MB unigui Excel TMSFlexCel
ImageEN Xe10,图片处理
2021-04-16 09:34:58 28.98MB 控件 图片 ImageE delphi
支持xe10.3 ============================================================= EmbeddedWB Component Pack ============================================================= bsalsa productions develop freeware solutions for users and programmers under "Borland Delphi" with "Microsoft Windows" OS. Our main product is the Embedded Web Browser component package. Most of its components were originally developed by Per Linds? Larsen. Our package gives you a complete solution to develop and control Internet based applications. It allows you to create a customized Web browsing application, add Internet, file and network browsing, document viewing, and data downloading capabilities to your applications. In the package there are many components that answer the needs of the programmer from Internet web browsers, to applications web updating. The components support all Borland Delphi versions from Delphi 5 to Delphi XE and we update our components often on a weekly basis. Our guiding line is easy use and implementation so, all the components are under one tab and the code implementation in with one line of code! In the package, we included a full featured demos so that programmers can easily understand "how to do what".
2021-04-15 10:09:51 14.38MB EmbeddedWB DELPHI XE10.3
程序自动更新的控件 FMX下可使用
2021-04-13 09:05:30 1.65MB FMX
2021-04-12 17:45:36 4.54MB Raize Delphi XE10.1 Berlin