FIC200S详细的软件编程参考手册,官方大客户资料。 另外还包含FIC100S的datasheet
2022-04-01 01:12:06 5.94MB F1C200s
Vivado Design Suite User Guide High-Level Synthesis。 UG902 (v2018.3) December 20, 2018。 The Xilinx® Vivado® High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tool transforms a C specification into a register transfer level (RTL) implementation that you can synthesize into a Xilinx field programmable gate array (FPGA). You can write C specifications in C, C++, or SystemC, and the FPGA provides a massively parallel architecture with benefits in performance, cost, and power over traditional processors. This chapter provides an overview of high-level synthesis.
2022-03-31 10:02:46 6.54MB vivado hls user guide
TCL user guide绝对经典 tcl语言在synopsis对应软件中的应用
2022-03-30 16:29:18 1.09MB tcl ;user; guide
TouchGFX v4.10.0 User's Manual 文件来自ST官方 英文版
2022-03-29 13:40:11 2.44MB TouchGFX 
DFT Compiler Scan User Guide , for those who want to study DFT/Scan design.
2022-03-28 16:17:30 7.34MB DFT Compiler ug Scan
2022-03-28 13:13:45 3.89MB cosi-corr
需求解读 由于定制rom给用户具体需求如下: 进入工厂测试app自动打开adb调试模式,退出就关闭,防止客户的用户安装其它应用(直接通过改变Settings.Global.ADB_ENABLED字段) 打开usbdebug不提示弹出框 禁止调试图标出现在通知状态栏 过程分析 通过字段关闭和开启usb调试模式 通过开启开发者模式最终发现开启或者关闭是改变如下字段: Settings.Global.putInt(getContentResolver(),Settings.Global.ADB_ENABLED, 0); 打开USBdebug不弹框流程 当adb_enable为0时会关闭adb调试模
2022-03-27 14:25:06 57KB ab adb ble
The TB-FMCH-DP3 provides test environment for DisplayPort Standard Version1, Revision 2a. It supports below features 4 Lane of 1.62Gbps, 2.7Gbps and 5.4Gbps It uses TI SN75SP130 for Source(TX) and SN65DP159 for Sink(RX) AUX Communication.(FAUX is not supported)
2022-03-27 01:09:22 2.12MB FMC HDMI
this guide is based on Wicket 6. However if you are using an older version you should find this guide useful as well, but it's likely that the code and the snippets won't work with your version.
2022-03-25 16:24:04 4.46MB Apache Wicket java web
PrimeTime® User Guide Version P-2019.03-SP2, June 2019.pdf
2022-03-23 16:07:35 16.52MB