Network-Emulator Network-Emulator-Toolkit网络模拟器使用详细介绍-附件资源
2021-10-14 13:43:19 23B
2021-10-14 13:08:40 5.46MB 模型切割 mesh unity 网格切割
- Bilibili Toolkit - :hammer_and_wrench: 哔哩哔哩(B站)辅助工具箱,支持Cookie/Token/Password融合持久化登录与多用户操作 功能 组件 版本 描述 login 2020/7/4 登录 get_user_info 2019/9/15 获取用户信息 set_privacy 2018/7/24 修改隐私设置 silver_to_coin 2018/8/8 银瓜子兑换硬币 watch 2020/7/20 观看 like 2020/7/20 点赞 reward 2020/7/20 投币 favour 2020/7/20 收藏 combo 2020/7/20 三连推荐 share 2020/7/20 分享 follow 2018/7/8 关注 follow_batch 2020/7/2 批量关注 ban 2021/2/19 拉黑 ban_batch 2021/2/19 批量拉
2021-10-13 19:05:09 138KB python bilibili Python
Unity 2019 + Anti-Cheat Toolkit 2.2.1 完美兼容 , 包里有个小例子 , 也可以自己写个例子验证.
2021-10-13 17:00:16 24.03MB Anti-Cheat 防作弊
openHaptics 开发者工具指导书 OpenHaptics_Toolkit_ProgrammersGuide3.5.pdf
2021-10-12 17:05:24 9.61MB openhaptics touch 开发者
Cinema Pro Cams is an industry standard toolbox to aid in the creation of accurate, real-world cinematic/film cameras inside of your Unity or project (Unity 5 , 2017 or 2018 and above). The perfect tool for game developers or film professionals who want to make sure their projects have that Cinematic look and feel of real world film lenses that will help to further immerse the player or viewer in your story.
2021-10-11 17:42:50 3.33MB Unity
The EPANET-Matlab Toolkit is an open-source software, originally developed by the KIOS Research Center for Intelligent Systems and Networks of the University of Cyprus which operates within the Matlab environment, for providing a programming interface for the latest version of EPANET, a hydraulic and quality modeling software created by the US EPA, with Matlab, a high-level technical computing software. The goal of the EPANET Matlab Toolkit is to serve as a common programming framework for research and development in the growing field of smart water networks. The EPANET-Matlab Toolkit features easy to use commands/wrappers for viewing, modifying, simulating and plotting results produced by the EPANET libraries. For support, please use the OWA community forum :
2021-10-09 11:57:39 8.75MB EPANET MATLAB TOOLKIT
2021-10-07 09:16:33 28.87MB 书本文件包
V1.03 1.优化了驱动及源代码; 2.增加了中英文自动显示(软件会自动判断当前用户的语言设置); 3.信息窗口直接显示错误信息(不再使用代码显示); 4.增加“关于”(About)按钮。 ...
2021-09-29 13:00:24 730KB SLIC SLIC_DUMP_ToolKit
主要用于P300信号的处理 包含PCA处理和相应的滤波程序
2021-09-28 14:05:58 724KB P300信号的处理 p300eeg P300 eegp300