Ron Patton的软件测试第二版。英文版的噢。Software Testing(Second Edition) By Ron Patton
2021-03-01 10:24:17 9.36MB 软件 测试 Software Testing
OWASP 渗透测试指南 第四版
2021-02-27 10:27:00 7.62MB owasp 渗透测试
According to the standard IEC 61508 fault insertion testing is required for the verification of fail-safe systems. Usually these systems are realized with microcontrollers. Fail-safe systems based on a novel CPLD-based architecture require a different method to perform fault insertion testing than microcontroller-based systems. This paper describes a method to accomplish fault insertion testing of a system based on the novel CPLD-based architecture using the original system hardware. The goal is to verify the realized safety integrity measures of the system by inserting faults and observing the behavior of the system. The described method exploits the fact, that the system contains two channels, where both channels contain a CPLD. During a test one CPLD is configured using a modified programming file. This file is available after the compilation of a VHDL-description, which was modified using saboteurs or mutants. This allows injecting a fault into this CPLD. The other CPLD is configured as fault-free device. The entire system has to detect the injected fault using its safety integrity measures. Consequently it has to enter and/or maintain a safe state. 微信号:safetyfirst61508
2021-02-26 16:00:28 298KB 硬件测试
2021-02-16 21:03:29 51KB JavaScript
2021-02-08 09:01:38 483.69MB 深度学习 超声心动图
Kali 渗透测试官方资料
2021-02-07 13:00:05 14.46MB kali 渗透测试 kali linux
2021-02-05 15:10:15 652KB unit-testing r RR
监狱数据库工具 Jailer是用于数据库子集和关系数据浏览的工具。 Subsetter从关系数据库中导出一致的,参照完整的行集,生成按拓扑排序SQL-DML,DbUnit数据集和层次结构的XML。 通过遵循基于外键或用户定义的关系,数据浏览器允许在数据库中进行双向导航。 产品特点 从生产性数据库中导出一致且参照完整的行集,并将数据导入开发和测试环境中。 通过删除和归档过时的数据而不破坏完整性来提高数据库性能。 生成按拓扑排序SQL-DML,层次结构的XML和DbUnit数据集。 数据浏览。 通过遵循基于外键或用户定义的关系来双向浏览数据库。 具有代码完成功能,语法突出显示和数据库元
2021-02-05 11:06:35 30.13MB java testing export sql
RuntimeUnitTestToolkit(v2) RuntimeUnitTestToolkit是的补充。 Unity Test Runner运行良好,但PlayerRunner(任何目标平台)都非常差。 RuntimeUnitTestToolkit提供Unity测试运行器的CLI(用于在CI上运行)和GUI(用于在任何平台(Windows,Mac,iOS,Android等)上运行)。 您可以编写可在Unity Test Runner上运行的测试,也可以通过RuntimeUnitTestToolkit构建运行时播放器。 选择设置(ScriptBackend- Mono或IL2CPP ,
2021-02-05 09:11:47 65KB unit-testing csharp unity testing-tools
Yandex坦克 Yandextank已移至Python 3。 。 Yandex.Tank是面向高级linux用户的可扩展的开源负载测试工具,特别适合作为自动负载测试套件的一部分 主要特点 支持的不同负载生成器: Evgeniy Mamchits的是使用C ++编写的非常快的射击游戏(100,000 + RPS)(默认) 是可扩展且广为人知的 BFG是基于Python的生成器,可让您用Python编写加载方案 实验性Golang生成器: 性能分析后端服务:。 在线存储和分析测试结果 支持几种弹药格式,例如纯网址列表或access.log 测试自动停止插件:当结果变得明显时停止测试并节
2021-02-05 09:10:53 1.21MB python performance framework load-testing