unity早期版本的标准资源包Standard Assets, 2019之后的版本没有了这个东西, 有时候还想用到里面的资源, 这里找到了unity2018版本的Standard Assets的资源, 在unity2020里面修改了一点错误 在unity2020版本里面亲测可用
2021-11-28 18:01:44 179.1MB unity StandardAssets
Unity拥有多种标准资源(Standard Assets)。这些是大多数Unity客户广泛使用的资源集合。这些是: 2D,相机(Cameras); 角色(Characters); 跨平台输入(CrossPlatformInput); 效果(Effects); 环境(Environment) 粒子系统(ParticleSystems); 原型(Prototyping); 实用工具(Utility) 车辆(Vehicles)。 Unity将标准资源(Standard Assets)转移到使用Unity 包(packages)的项目中。
2021-11-24 21:59:37 175.74MB unity standardassets
CIS2521F Standard and Scientific Package Datasheet
2021-11-19 18:24:52 8.86MB Fairchild CIS2521F Datasheet
压缩包里包括JMeterPlugins-Extras(Standard)-1.3.1,ServerAgent-2.2.1。 JMeter监控插件,用来监控被测服务器的cpu,io,等参数。 中JMeterPlugins-Standard和JMeterPlugins-Extras是客户端的,ServerAgent是服务端的。 1.解压客户端的两个文件,进入其路径JMeterPlugins-Extras(Standard)-1.3.1\lib\ext,复制JmeterPlugins-Extras.jar(JmeterPlugins-Standard.jar)两个文件,放到JMeter客户端的lib/ext文件夹中,打开JMeter,可在监听器中看到Permon Metrics Collector,客户端配置成功。 2.将ServerAgent-2.2.1.jar上传到被测服务器,解压,进入目录,Windows环境,双击ServerAgent.bat启动;linux环境执ServerAgent.sh启动,默认使用4444端口,非常好用
2021-11-18 20:18:09 4.49MB java jmeter 插件 测试
jstl需要导入的两个jar包:jstl.jar和standard.jar jstl.jar包,jstl.jar和standard.jar
2021-11-17 22:05:42 361KB jstl standard jar javaweb
JMeterPlugins-Standard 与 JMeterPlugins-Extras两个jar包
2021-11-17 16:55:44 1.61MB jmeter jar JMeterPlugin
vbygone 1.4标准
2021-11-17 12:05:33 820KB 图像传输
2021-11-16 22:36:48 695KB Jstl 和standard jar包
2021-11-16 22:20:14 128KB LPWAN Radio RF Standard
Master the Powerful Python 3 Standard Library through Real Code Examples The Python 3 Standard Library contains hundreds of modules for interacting with the operating system, interpreter, and Internet–all extensively tested and ready to jump-start application development. Now, Python expert Doug Hellmann introduces every major area of the Python 3.x library through concise source code and output examples. Hellmann’s examples fully demonstrate each feature and are designed for easy learning and reuse. You’ll find practical code for working with text, data structures, algorithms, dates/times, math, the file system, persistence, data exchange, compression, archiving, crypto, processes/threads, networking, Internet capabilities, email, developer and language tools, the runtime, packages, and more. Each section fully covers one module, with links to additional resources, making this book an ideal tutorial and reference. The Python 3 Standard Library by Example introduces Python 3.x’s new libraries, significant functionality changes, and new layout and naming conventions. Hellmann also provides expert porting guidance for moving code from 2.x Python standard library modules to their Python 3.x equivalents.
2021-11-16 20:11:09 14.14MB Python 3 Standard Library