2021-09-01 18:00:08 1.73MB openssh-8.7
2021-08-26 14:00:15 4.63MB openssh
IMDB dataset, IMDB数据集,其中包含很多个子数据集和一份pdf数据说明 由于平台只能上传小于100M数据这里分成两个part上传
2021-08-25 09:01:37 578.69MB 图神经网络 IMDB 异质图 IMDBdatasets
最新的openssh 8.7p1 rpm安装包,压缩包里有两个目录,分别适用于rehdat 6.x和redhat 7.x操作系统。 基于redhat 6.10和redhat 7.9操作系统编译成rpm包
2021-08-24 19:04:41 10.05MB linux redhat centos openssh
padding 内填充 内容与边框之间的距离 适合html 初学者,了解padding 大致的基本属性
2021-08-21 14:07:45 27.94MB html p1 前端 padding基本属性
输入总转矩T,然后使用改进粒子群算法输出T1,T2。 其中Td=T1+T2
2021-08-18 13:34:31 53KB Matlab PSO 电机转矩
Every game relies on data. That's why we made Databox. A simple yet powerful data editor which allows you to manage and save all your data at one place. Use Databox for your game data, save games, game configurations, profiles, localisation... FEATURES Intuitive data editor - Manage all your data in one place Scriptable object workflow Runtime editor - Edit your data directly in your builds Read and save data at runtime NEW Load and Save asynchronously Supports all common Unity types + custom classes Import from GOOGLE spreadsheet or local CSV file Cloud sync - sync data to your MySQL webserver XOR Encryption Static keys generator for accessing tables, entries and values (instead of strings) Demo scenes included PlayMaker support FlowReactor support Powered by FullSerializer and OdinSerializer Runtime editor Balancing a game can be quite a hard task. That's why Databox has an easy to use runtime editor. It allows you to view and modify all of your data in your runtime build in a similar way to the editor in Unity. This is a great way to modify values while play-testing your game and do some quick value testings.
2021-08-16 14:11:07 121B unity unity3d
openssh-5.6p1.tar.gz 源码
2021-08-16 11:26:52 1.07MB ssh openssh
2021-08-11 14:01:45 258KB 软件包