GNU make is the most widely used build automation tool, but it can be challenging to master and its terse language can be tough to parse for even experienced programmers. Those who run into difficulties face a long, involved struggle, often leaving unsolved problems behind and GNU make's vast potential untapped. The GNU Make Book demystifies GNU make and shows you how to use its best features. You'll find a fast, thorough rundown of the basics of variables, rules, targets, and makefiles. Learn how to fix wastefully long build times and other common problems, and gain insight into more advanced capabilities, such as complex pattern rules. With this utterly pragmatic manual and cookbook, you'll make rapid progress toward becoming a more effective user. You'll also learn how to: Master user-defined functions, variables, and path handling Weigh the pitfalls and advantages of GNU make parallelization Handle automatic dependency generation, rebuilding, and non-recursive make Modify the GNU make source and take advantage of the GNU Make Standard Library Create makefile assertions and debug makefiles GNU make is known for being tricky to use, but it doesn't have to be. If you're looking for a deeper understanding of this indispensable tool, you'll find The GNU Make Book to be an indispensable guide. Table of Contents Chapter 1. The Basics Revisited Chapter 2. Makefile Debugging Chapter 3. Building and Rebuilding Chapter 4. Pitfalls and Problems Chapter 5. Pushing the Envelope Chapter 6. The GNU Make Standard Library
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arm-2014.05-29-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2 gcc version 4.8.3 20140320 (prerelease) (Sourcery CodeBench Lite 2014.05-29) Target: arm-none-linux-gnueabi
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MinGW(Minimalist GNU for Windows),又称mingw32,是将GCC编译器和GNU Binutils移植到Win32平台下的产物,包括一系列头文件(Win32API)、库和可执行文件。 GCC支持的语言大多在MinGW也受支持,其中涵盖C、C++、Objective-C、Fortran及Ada。 对于C语言之外的语言,MinGW使用标准的GNU运行库,如C++使用GNU libstdc++。 但是MinGW使用Windows中的C运行库。因此用MinGW开发的程序不需要额外的第三方DLL支持就可以直接在Windows下运行,而且也不一定必须遵从GPL许可证。这同时造成了MinGW开发的程序只能使用Win32API和跨平台的第三方库,而缺少POSIX支持[3],大多数GNU软件无法在不修改源代码的情况下用MinGW编译。
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python3.8在import sqlite3时报错误:ImportError: No module named '_sqlite3'。
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gcc省的你去寻找了 这个版本虽然低但很有用哦! 编译Android,pmon等等都要用它
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该项目是 GNU 和 Unix 软件包到 MS-Windows 的端口集合,它们要么没有可用的预编译 Windows 二进制文件,要么现有端口有问题或损坏。 所有端口都是使用 MinGW 开发环境构建的,有或没有 MSYS。
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GNU Radio_benchmarkTX 代码逐行解读,C++,Python相结合
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