☆ 资源说明:☆ [奥莱理] Ethernet 权威指南 第2版 英文版 [奥莱理] Ethernet The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition E Book ☆ 图书概要:☆ Get up to speed on the latest Ethernet capabilities for building and maintaining networks for everything from homes and offices to data centers and server machine rooms This thoroughly revised comprehensive guide covers a wide range of Ethernet technologies from basic operation to network management based on the authors’ many years of field experience When should you upgrade to higher speed Ethernet How do you use switches to build larger networks How do you troubleshoot the system This book provides the answers If you’re looking to build a scalable network with Ethernet to satisfy greater bandwidth and market requirements this book is indeed the definitive guide ☆ 出版信息:☆ [作者信息] Charles E Spurgeon Joann Zimmerman [出版机构] 奥莱理 [出版日期] 2014年04月03日 [图书页数] 508页 [图书语言] 英语 [图书格式] PDF 格式">☆ 资源说明:☆ [奥莱理] Ethernet 权威指南 第2版 英文版 [奥莱理] Ethernet The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition E Book ☆ 图书概要:☆ Get up to speed on the latest Ethernet capabilities for building and maintaining networks for everything from homes and offices to da [更多]
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Serial to Ethernet Connector 8.0.1113 直接替换文件
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Android 7.0 增加Ethernet设置(DHCP与Static ip) 参考文章:http://blog.csdn.net/hclydao/article/details/50972932
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提供Ethernet V2.0格式的Ethernet帧封包文件input(存放在“Exe”目录下),该封包文件是二进制文件,文件中包含若干个Ethernet帧,其中有正确的帧,也有错误的帧。正常Ethernet帧的数据字段封装的是上层数据报,而本光盘提供的Ethernet帧封包文件中,数据字段封装的是文本信息
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通用工业协议(EtherNet/IP) 例程_c++ ethernet,c++ profinet 协议
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10_100_1000 MbpsTri-mode Ethernet MAC的verilog代码
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这是SAE AS6802 的标准文档,表述了与时间触发网络相关的内容,对良好的把握最新的网络相关应用有一个很好的导向。
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