2019-12-21 19:57:57 8.23MB maven3.3.9
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2019-12-21 19:57:45 2.01MB N8 设计软件
2019-12-21 19:49:47 386KB spring framework 4.3.9 RELEASE
serial mac破解版是mac上一款现代化的全功能串行终端管理软件,让开发工程师们使用服务器,网络设备和嵌入式硬件工作变得更加简单!serial mac破解版可以帮助您连接和控制串行设备,如服务器,路由器或调制解调器等网络设备,PBX系统等。而且Serial为大多数串行设备提供了内置支持,您无需手动安装任何驱动程序。小编现为您带来serial mac破解版下载,感兴趣的朋友不要错过哦!
2019-12-21 19:41:42 10.74MB 安装即破解
IText5 Excel转pdf ,带有添加文字水印,图片水印实例。 * jar版本:poi-3.9-20121203.jar, poi-ooxml-3.9-20121203.jar, * poi-ooxml-schemas-3.9-20121203.jar, itextpdf-5.5.9.jar, itext-asian-5.2.0.jar 文件中含有依赖的jar,代码,下载后你直接可以用了,花了2天时间整理完成。 共3个方法,一个是生成pdf,第2个是加文字水印,第3个是加图片水印 public static void main(String[] args) { String filepath = "C:\\Users\\igiroad\\Desktop\\申请汇总表 (3).xls"; String pdffilepath = doConvertPdf(filepath, "testtitle", "me", "me write", "me me", "me", true); doAddWaterMark(pdffilepath, "我是谁?我是谁?我是谁?我是谁?我是谁?", 38, "255, 200, 0", "200, 150", 10); doAddPicMark(pdffilepath, "D:\\Documents\\Pictures\\cry.jpg", "110, 110", "595, 842"); System.out.println(pdffilepath); }
2019-12-21 19:41:37 9.98MB IText5 Excel pdf
maven配置可以参考博主的文章,maven的介绍,初步认识,获取jar包的三个关键属性 --> 介绍仓库(获取的jar包从何而来)-->用命令行管理maven项目(创建maven项目) --> 用myeclipse创建maven项目 -->详细介绍pom.xml中的依赖关系(坐标获取、定位jar包的各种属性讲解。
2019-12-21 19:31:31 8.14MB maven
V3.9:缩小广告位窗口,优化程序,使登录速度迅速提升。修复未设置小数位时,只能显示整数的BUG。增加输入金额时语音报数功能。升级打印模块,使功能更简洁方便。增加分类汇总功能。 DIY补充: 如果觉得图片和界面不是很协调,可以把文件夹内的xzb.jpg图片文件删除即可(要把文件夹选项勾选为才能看见此文件)或者把自己喜欢的jpg格式图片改名为xzb.jpg替换文件夹内的图片文件也可,不过图片尺寸必须728*128,否则显示会失真).
Polycom RealPresence 桌面是一个易于使用的视频协作应用程序, 为 PC 用户提供高清质量的音频, 视频和内容共享。与类似的专有应用程序不同, RealPresence 桌面是基于标准的, 并扩展了组织现有的视频启用网络, 使最终用户能够在办公室内或在路上使用相同的高质量体验。 END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR POLYCOM® SOFTWARE IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE SOFTWARE: This End-User License Agreement ("Agreement") is a legal agreement between you and/or any company you represent, “you” and either Polycom (Netherlands) B.V. (if you are located in Europe, Middle East, or Africa), Polycom Asia Pacific PTE Ltd. (if you are located in Asia Pacific), or Polycom, Inc. (if you are located in the rest of the world) (each referred to individually and collectively herein as “POLYCOM”), for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT (as defined below) licensed by POLYCOM or its suppliers. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by POLYCOM, by accepting these terms or by installing, downloading, copying, or otherwise using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you agree to be and will be bound by the terms of this Agreement as a condition of your license and the terms and conditions of this Agreement will prevail over any inconsistent, conflicting, additional or preprinted terms. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, your use is prohibited and you may not install or use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed (not sold) to you, and its use is subject to the terms of this Agreement. This is NOT a sale contract. DEFINITIONS “SOFTWARE PRODUCT” means computer software, including any software updates or upgrades thereto, and associated media, printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation identified on an AUTHORIZED PURCHASE ORDER. “CONCURRENT USER” is a type of license and means the number of personal devices, endpoints, applications or any other authorized means of access that may concurrently use or access the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or on
2019-12-21 18:57:54 18.67MB 视频会议 H323软件
2019-12-21 18:54:47 7.55MB mysql 5.3.9 winx64