2021-12-24 11:06:22 202KB 卫星 链路计算 链路方法研究
STK链路模块练习:分析通信卫星星座 目标: 建立链路和星座 建立Walker星座 测试连续覆盖性能 确定同时可见性 星间链路 约束可见性 STK模块练习:链路模块练习2 * *
2021-12-24 08:35:24 8.79MB stk
官网和Git下载都比较忙,并切容易断链,现在提供下载好版本。 文件使用7zip进行压缩,也请使用7志平进行解压。 zipkin-server-2.12.9-exec.jar
2021-12-21 21:05:29 43.99MB SpringCloud SpringBoot Zipkin 链路追踪
2021-12-20 13:00:13 30KB
建立链路和星座 在浏览窗口,确认链路被选中,从Tools菜单选择Report。当STK Report Tool 窗口出现,生成Complete Chain Access报告。 完成后关闭报告窗口,再生成Individual Strand Access报告。完成后关闭报告窗口,在STK Report Tool 窗口,点击取消关闭窗口。 下面分析链路的可见次数。在浏览窗口选中链路,单击鼠标右键从快捷菜单中选择Graph。 在STK Graph Tool 窗口,生成Number of Accesses图表。 完成后,关闭图表,点击取消关闭STK Graph Tool 窗口。 STK链路模块练习2:分析通信卫星星座 * *
2021-12-19 15:50:29 8.79MB stk
本实验报告模拟实现了n次回退算法 ,选择性重传 ,链路状态路由算法, 矢量路由算法 socket编程。对理解这些算法很有帮助
People increasingly use social networks to manage various aspects of their lives such as communication, collaboration, and information sharing. A user’s network of friends may offer a wide range of important benefits such as receiving online help and support and the ability to exploit professional opportunities. One of the most profound properties of social networks is their dynamic nature governed by people constantly joining and leaving the social networks. The circle of friends may frequently change when people establish friendship through social links or when their interest in a social relationship ends and the link is removed. This book introduces novel techniques and algorithms for social network-based recommender systems. Here, concepts such as link prediction using graph patterns, following recommendation based on user authority, strategic partner selection in collaborative systems, and network formation based on “social brokers” are presented. In this book, well-established graph models such as the notion of hubs and authorities provide the basis for authority-based recommendation and are systematically extended towards a unified Hyperlink Induced Topic Search (HITS) and personalized PageRank model. Detailed experiments using various real-world datasets and systematic evaluation of recommendation results proof the applicability of the presented concepts.
2021-12-16 10:53:12 3.25MB 推荐系统 社交网络 信任计算 链路预测
国标:商用车控制系统局域网络(CAN )通信协议 第 4 部分:数据链路
2021-12-15 16:52:21 564KB 研究论文