2021-04-07 13:01:38 766KB 水杯注塑模设计毕业论文
2021-04-06 09:02:14 1.82MB 基于java实现的学生档案管理系
本系统主要包括九个模块:用户管理、个人信息管理、考勤管理、班费管理、成绩查看、奖学金评定、网上投票、文件共享、通知管理。本系统采用的是.NET的框架,.NET框架具有安全、易维护和强大的网络开发能力.数据库采用的是SQL Server2005,开发工具选择的是Visual Studio 2010。本系统采用B/S模式设计,本系统拥有六种角色:管理员、班导师、班委(包括班长、学习委员、生活委员)和一般学生。不同的角色具有不同的访问权限,能够访问不同的页面并进行不同的操作。
2021-04-04 16:36:29 1.05MB 毕业设计论文
High flourishing today in the information, the each work link that the cabaret business involve has already no longer been a traditional accommodation only, balance of accounts business, but more wide, the more overall service profession representative.The cabaret guest house is a service profession, from the marketing of the guest room namely the guest schedule to start, arrive go into register keep to check out the close book till the last, the whole process should can the body take guest as the center now, providing the fast convenience service, feeling a kind of customer to the guest to enjoy highestly, exaltation management level, simplify various complications operation, at most the in a short time completes the cabaret business norm operation, then can make the traveller comfortable and difficult to forget thus. Systems to meet customer needs from the perspective of the process to achieve the hotel management. System's main functions include billing FIT, group billing, guest checkout, room reservations, business inquiries, customer management, network settings, system settings, etc. When users want to stay at the hotel waiting time will be greatly reduced, the operator can easily register the user information and the management of the state of rooms, the hotel management system in order to achieve efficient and accurate. Keywords Database; Hotel Management System; MyEclipse6.5
2021-04-03 09:02:57 1.62MB 毕设论文
系统由Struts+Spring+Hibernate三大框架技术并结合当今流行的一些技术进行开发,本论坛系统采用B/S体系结构,数据库采用了功能强大的oracle数据库和PL/SQL Developer数据库集成开发环境。本论坛按照软件开发的过程,按照一定的需求,对于论坛的开发进行详细的分析和设计,从而保证了校园论坛的开发和实现过程。
2021-04-02 14:05:32 1.63MB javaweb