该存储库包含一个软件框架,用于使用多模式MRI和来自三个可公开获得的数据集 , 和PET数据对阿尔茨海默氏病(AD)进行自动分类的可重现机器学习实验。 它由开发。 在目录中,有数据转换,预处理和分类任务的示例,这些示例说明了如何使用的不同功能。 此代码依赖于Clinica的最新发行版本。 如果您有兴趣访问包含使用Clinica的实验代码和我们的论文结果的代码库,请转到相应论文的分支: 引用这项工作 如果您使用此软件,请引用: J.Samper-Gonzalez,N.Burgos,S.Bottani,S.Fontanella,P.Lu,A.Marcoux,A.Routier,J.Guill
NBA比赛结果得分预测 Latif Atci和Berkay Yalcin 这是什么? 这是一个预测NBA比赛结果并预测每个季度得分的项目。 该项目的细节 我们收集了2012年至今的NBA比赛数据。 然后,我们分析了数据并进行了特征工程。 我们为每个季度的得分,半场得分,最终得分和比赛结果概率建立了11个模型。 先决条件:
2021-06-21 20:08:12 7.54MB python machine-learning numpy scikit-learn
使用机器学习的信用卡欺诈检测 信用卡欺诈是一个日益严重的问题,面临许多挑战,包括时间漂移和严重的阶级失衡。 该项目尝试使用包括自适应合成采样方法(ADASYN)和合成少数采样率(SMOTE)在内的最新技术来解决班级不平衡问题。 2013年9月在欧洲进行的超过280k真实交易[1]被用作训练数据集。 比较了三种类型的机器学习模型:随机森林,支持向量机和多层感知器。 结果表明,不平衡数据集的最佳采样方法取决于数据集和所使用的模型。 该项目包含以下组件: a)PDF格式的IEEE风格论文 b)Jupyter Notebook进行了机器学习测试。 您可以运行视图并自己运行它们。 还包括注释,推理和数字。 为了方便起见,我在此git repo中包含了原始数据集的副本[1],但是请参考原始资源以获取最新版本。 该项目是2017年冬季在滑铁卢大学进行的SYDE 522:机器学习的一部分。 安装 克隆项目: $ git clone https://github.com/yazanobeidi/fraud-detection.git && cd fraud-detection Pip安装依赖项
2021-06-20 21:58:01 69.56MB machine-learning scikit-learn card kaggle
2021-06-19 13:43:59 752KB numpy pandas-dataframe scikit-learn sklearn
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Python Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python, scikit-learn and Tensorflow (Step-by-Step Tutorial For Beginners)
2021-06-14 18:52:41 664KB python  Deep Learning   scikit-learn
(英文第二版)Mastering Machine Learning with scikit-learn, 2nd Edition(英文第二版)Mastering Machine Learning with scikit-learn, 2nd Edition
2021-06-10 17:16:48 5.69MB scikit
Mastering Machine Learning with scikit-learn - Second Edition by Gavin Hackeling English | 24 July 2017 | ASIN: B06ZYRPFMZ | ISBN: 1783988363 | 254 Pages | AZW3 | 5.17 MB Key Features Master popular machine learning models including k-nearest neighbors, random forests, logistic regression, k-means, naive Bayes, and artificial neural networks Learn how to build and evaluate performance of efficient models using scikit-learn Practical guide to master your basics and learn from real life applications of machine learning Book Description Machine learning is the buzzword bringing computer science and statistics together to build smart and efficient models. Using powerful algorithms and techniques offered by machine learning you can automate any analytical model. This book examines a variety of machine learning models including popular machine learning algorithms such as k-nearest neighbors, logistic regression, naive Bayes, k-means, decision trees, and artificial neural networks. It discusses data preprocessing, hyperparameter optimization, and ensemble methods. You will build systems that classify documents, recognize images, detect ads, and more. You will learn to use scikit-learn's API to extract features from categorical variables, text and images; evaluate model performance, and develop an intuition for how to improve your model's performance. By the end of this book, you will master all required concepts of scikit-learn to build efficient models at work to carry out advanced tasks with the practical approach. What you will learn Review fundamental concepts such as bias and variance Extract features from categorical variables, text, and images Predict the values of continuous variables using linear regression and K Nearest Neighbors Classify documents and images using logistic regression and support vector machines Create ensembles of estimators using bagging and boosting techniques Discover hidden structures in data using K-Means clustering Evaluate the per
2021-06-10 17:14:21 5.17MB 机器学习 scikit-learn