可从该页面获得的MNIST手写数字数据库具有60,000个示例的训练集和10,000个示例的测试集。它是NIST提供的更大集合的子集。数字已经过尺寸标准化,并以固定尺寸的图像为中心。 对于那些希望在实际数据上尝试学习技术和模式识别方法,同时在预处理和格式化方面花费最少的人来说,它是一个很好的数据库
2020-02-03 03:08:09 11.06MB MNIST数据
【作 者】Per Christian Hansen 【出版社】Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematic 【出版日期】October 29, 2006 【ISBN】0898716187 9780898716184 【形态项】9.8 x 6.7 x 0.3 inches 【语 言】English 【价 格】$63.00 Deblurring Images: Matrices, Spectra, and Filtering (Fundamentals of Algorithms 3) (Fundamentals of Algorithms) By Per Christian Hansen Publisher: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematic Number Of Pages: 130 Publication Date: 2006-10-29 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0898716187 ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780898716184 Binding: Paperback “The book’s focus on imaging problems is very unique among the competing books on inverse and ill-posed problems. …It gives a nice introduction into the MATLAB world of images and deblurring problems.” — Martin Hanke, Professor, Institut für Mathematik, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität. When we use a camera, we want the recorded image to be a faithful representation of the scene that we see, but every image is more or less blurry. In image deblurring, the goal is to recover the original, sharp image by using a mathematical model of the blurring process. The key issue is that some information on the lost details is indeed present in the blurred image, but this “hidden” information can be recovered only if we know the details of the blurring process. Deblurring Images: Matrices, Spectra, and Filtering describes the deblurring algorithms and techniques collectively known as spectral filtering methods, in which the singular value decomposition—or a similar decomposition with spectral properties—is used to introduce the necessary regularization or filtering in the reconstructed image. The concise MATLAB® implementations described in the book provide a template of techniques that can be used to restore blurred images from many applications. This book’s treatment of image deblurring is unique in two ways: it includes algorithmic and implementation details; and by keeping the formulations in terms of matrices, vectors, and matrix computations, it makes the material access
2020-01-03 11:41:26 8.24MB Deblurring Matrices Filtering
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2020-01-03 11:41:21 9.2MB system-images android4.0 userdata.img
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2020-01-03 11:27:57 13.61MB 瑞友天翼
2020-01-03 11:16:28 57.22MB android4.4 images 模拟器
受上传限制,共计三个资源,此为第一个数据包,第二个数据包网址http://download.csdn.net/detail/aiyuaichou/8352729; 所有下载完毕后,解压。把android-19目录copy到android sdk文件目录sdk\system-images下,copy android-19中所有文件复制到sdk\platforms\android-19\images中,如没有images目录,请自行创建
2020-01-03 11:16:28 57.22MB android4.4 images 模拟器
实验目标是编写一个图像滤波函数,并用它基于Oliva、Torralba和Schyns在SIGGRAPH 2006发表的题为“Hybrid images”的论文的简化版本创建混合图像。混合图像是静态图像,其解释随着观看距离的变化而变化。其基本思想是,高频往往在感知中占主导地位,但在远处,只能看到信号的低频(平滑)部分。通过将一幅图像的高频部分与另一幅图像的低频部分混合,可以得到一幅混合图像,在不同的距离产生不同的解释。你将使用你自己的解决方案来创建你自己的混合图像。
2019-12-21 22:23:43 2.07MB 计算机视觉 西电 实验
The geometry of multiple images--DJV 格式
2019-12-21 22:18:29 10.93MB The geometry of multiple
BSDS300包括images和human两个部分 BSDS300包括images和human两个部分
2019-12-21 21:37:22 45.28MB BSDS300 images human
2019-12-21 20:45:40 5.84MB 知乎源码 PHP源码