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Review, 'A must-read resource for anyone who is serious about embracing the opportunity of big data.', -- Craig Vaughan, Global Vice President at SAP, 'This book goes beyond data analytics 101. It's the essential guide for those of us (all of us?) whose businesses are built on the ubiquity of data o
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What is data science? With the major technological advances of the last two decades, coupled in part with the internet explosion, a new breed of analysist has emerged. The exact role, background, and skill-set, of a data scientist are still in the process of being defined and it is likely that by the time you read this some of what we say will seem archaic.
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Numerical Python: Scientific Computing and Data Science Applications with Numpy, SciPy and Matplotlib By 作者: Robert Johansson ISBN-10 书号: 1484242459 ISBN-13 书号: 9781484242452 Edition 版本: 2nd ed. 出版日期: 2018-12-25 pages 页数: (700 ) Work with vectors and matrices using NumPy Plot and visualize data with Matplotlib Perform data analysis tasks with Pandas and SciPy Review statistical modeling and machine learning with statsmodels and scikit-learn Optimize Python code using Numba and Cython Cover Front Matter 1. Introduction to Computing with Python 2. Vectors, Matrices, and Multidimensional Arrays 3. Symbolic Computing 4. Plotting and Visualization 5. Equation Solving 6. Optimization 7. Interpolation 8. Integration 9. Ordinary Differential Equations 10. Sparse Matrices and Graphs 11. Partial Differential Equations 12. Data Processing and Analysis 13. Statistics 14. Statistical Modeling 15. Machine Learning 16. Bayesian Statistics 17. Sinal Processing 18. Data Input and Output 19. Code Optimization
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这本书可是英美经典书籍。 What you need to know about data mining and data-analytic thinking
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