Trampoline is a static RTOS for small embedded systems. Its API is aligned with OSEK/VDX OS and AUTOSAR OS 4.2 standards. 6 platforms are supported by now : cortex Cortex-M (M0+, M3 and M4 for now) instruction set Cortex-A (A7) instruction set. This port is under heavy development. riscv PULPino microprocessor with 32bits RISC-V instruction set. ppc: PowerPC 32bits instruction set posix: virtual platform for POSIX systems (tested on Linux and OS X) avr: AVR 8 bits microcontrollers ARM: ARM 32 bits instruction set virt-v7 Cortex-A9 - Cortex-A7 virtualized instruction set. This port is used with the hypervisor XVisor
2021-09-28 14:09:04 28KB OSEK AUTOSAR OS
Typically, reading formal specifications isn’t the easiest way to learn and understand a certain technology. This especially holds true for the Communication Management API (ara::com) in the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform. Therefore this document shall serve as an entry point not only for the developer of software components for the Adaptive Platform, who will use the ara::com API to interact with other application or service components, but also for Adaptive Platform product vendors, who are going to implement an optimized IPC binding for the ara::com API on their platform.
2021-09-27 15:00:57 1.41MB Autosar
2021-09-27 11:01:35 1.51MB autosar spi 驱动
AUTOSAR规范 培训资料学习 汽车电子电器控制器嵌入式开发资料
2021-09-26 20:24:38 92.27MB AUTOSAR规范
2021-09-24 15:03:01 1.49MB AUTOSAR MCAL
Vector 公司 autosar整体框架介绍详细文档,汽车行业的执行标准之一,该份文档指导设计流程的开发具有一定的参考价值
2021-09-23 21:05:12 2.97MB Autosar ISO 车辆 vector
CAN 网络管理规范 AUTOSAR CP 版本 4.3.0。 本文档介绍了 AUTOSAR CAN 网络管理(CanNm)的概念,核心功能,可配置功能,接口 和配置问题。 AUTOSAR CAN 网络管理是一个独立于硬件的协议,只能在 CAN 上使用(有关限制,请参 阅第 4.1 章节)。 它的主要目的是协调网络的正常运行和总线休眠模式之间的转换。
2021-09-16 14:21:00 2.22MB autosar nm 4.3.0 中文
Startup with Vector SLP4 User Manual---Vector Davinci官方帮助配置手册
2021-09-16 11:42:54 8.83MB Autosar Davinci Vector
This User Manual describes NXP Semiconductors AUTOSAR Micro Control Unit ( Mcu ) for S32K14X . AUTOSAR Mcu driver configuration parameters and deviations from the specification are described in Mcu Driver chapter of this document. AUTOSAR Mcu driver requirements and APIs are described in the AUTOSAR Mcu driver software specification document.
2021-09-16 09:05:54 1.56MB AUTOSAR_MCAL_MCU
1. CodeWarrior 全系列, 通杀S08, S12, Codefile, PowerPC系列芯片, 直至最新基于 Eclipse 的 10.x 版本. 2. 飞思卡尔针对旗下芯片的 Autosar MCAL驱动包. 使用方法: 手动修改 license.dat, 取消其中的各种限制(去除HostID , 修改时间为 permanent, 修改次数为 uncounted, 修改32K限制等), 然后将 license.dat 文件拖到 lmcryptmetrowks.exe 和谐软件上, 即可生成有效的授权文件.
2021-09-14 14:20:26 255KB CodeWarrior 飞思卡尔 Autosar MCAL