vhdl 交通灯源代码 支持预置时间及紧急状态
2022-07-17 08:44:30 464KB vhdl
2022-07-14 16:03:52 2.39MB 人工智人-家居
2022-07-13 13:47:45 3KB VHDL 看门狗
新手QUARTUS II VHDL入门,包含基础的教程和许多精品程序
2022-07-12 01:00:17 63.83MB QUARTUS VHDL
2022-07-09 20:42:49 290KB 高斯白噪声;m序列;FPGA;VHDL
一个微型、可定制和高度可扩展的 MCU 级 32 位 RISC-V 软核 CPU 和类似微控制器的 SoC,以独立于平台的 VHDL 编写。 NEORV32 处理器是一种可定制的类似微控制器的片上系统 (SoC),它基于 NEORV32 RISC-V CPU。该项目旨在作为大型 SoC 设计中的辅助处理器,或作为现成的独立定制微控制器,甚至可以安装到运行频率为 +24 MHz 的 Lattice iCE40 UltraPlus 5k 低功耗和低密度 FPGA 中。 特别关注执行安全,以随时提供定义和可预测的行为。因此,CPU 确保所有内存访问都得到确认,并且不会执行无效/格式错误的指令。每当发生意外情况时,应用程序代码都会通过精确和可恢复的硬件异常通知。 主要特征 一体式封装:CPU + SoC +软件框架和工具 完全用行为的、平台无关的 VHDL 描述 -没有特定于平台的原语、宏、属性等。 广泛的配置选项,用于使处理器适应应用程序的要求 高度可扩展的硬件——在 CPU、处理器和系统级别 更多详情、使用方法,请下载后阅读README.md文件
2022-07-08 20:03:48 5.58MB vhdl
FPGA Application (Zynq PS + PL) for Scopy MVP
2022-07-08 16:06:29 352.7MB vhdl
通过模型理论介绍、建模步骤流程图、结合权威文献模型选择等实现,零计量、Stata基础,照样做好计量实证分析。还赠送Eviews操作高清视频哟! Introduction to Logic Circuits & Logic Design with VHDL By 作者: Brock J. LaMeres ISBN-10 书号: 3319341944 ISBN-13 书号: 9783319341941 Edition 版本: 1st ed. 2017 Release Finelybook 出版日期: 2016-09-16 pages 页数: (475 ) $99.99 This textbook introduces readers to the fundamental hardware used in modern computers. The only pre-requisite is algebra, so it can be taken by college freshman or sophomore students or even used in Advanced Placement courses in high school. This book presents both the classical approach to digital system design (i.e., pen and paper) in addition to the modern hardware description language (HDL) design approach (computer-based). This textbook enables readers to design digital systems using the modern HDL approach while ensuring they have a solid foundation of knowledge of the underlying hardware and theory of their designs. This book is designed to match the way the material is actually taught in the classroom. Topics are presented in a manner which builds foundational knowledge before moving onto advanced topics. The author has designed the content with learning goals and assessment at its core. Each section addresses a specific learning outcome that the learner should be able to “do” after its completion. The concept checks and exercise problems provide a rich set of assessment tools to measure learner performance on each outcome.
2022-07-06 22:11:04 47.87MB design
2022-07-06 20:04:14 6.23MB vhdl
这是vhdl 和 verilog 的 小波实现 经过了验证了的代码
2022-07-06 16:30:35 342KB vhdl verilog 小波 fpga