2021-02-18 15:07:22 4.65MB Python
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2021-02-05 20:08:45 38KB javascript ember-cli ember tests
2021-02-04 18:01:40 2.84MB jar
基础 CompTIA Linux + 认证考试最佳实践考试准备 如果你正在为这次非常重要的考试做准备,那就转到 CompTIA Linux + 实践测试。 这本书涵盖了 5 个客观领域,加上一个额外的 90 题练习考试,总共有 1000 个练习试题。 读者还可以免费进入在线考试银行一年,在那里他们可以通过问题学习和工作,加强他们的技能和知识。 学习与 Sybex 的 CompTIA Linux 认证,并获得考试日信心的优势。
2021-01-28 02:41:13 6.62MB Linux
CISSP Official (ISC)2 Practice Tests By 作者: Mike Chapple – David Seidl ISBN-10 书号: 1119475929 ISBN-13 书号: 9781119475927 Edition 版本: 2 出版日期: 2018-06-13 pages 页数: 512 Full-length practice tests covering all CISSP domains for the ultimate exam prep The (ISC)2 CISSP Official Practice Tests is a major resource for CISSP candidates, providing 1300 unique practice questions. The first part of the book provides 100 questions per domain. You also have access to four unique 125-question practice exams to help you master the material. As the only official practice tests endorsed by (ISC)2, this book gives you the advantage of full and complete preparation. These practice tests align with the 2018 version of the exam to ensure up-to-date preparation, and are designed to cover what you’ll see on exam day. Coverage includes: Security and Risk Management, Asset Security, Security Architecture and Engineering, Communication and Network Security, Identity and Access Management (IAM), Security Assessment and Testing, Security Operations, and Software Development Security. The CISSP credential signifies a body of knowledge and a set of guaranteed skills that put you in demand in the marketplace. This book is your ticket to achieving this prestigious certification, by helping you test what you know against what you need to know. Test your knowledge of the 2018 exam domains Identify areas in need of further study Gauge your progress throughout your exam preparation The CISSP exam is refreshed every few years to ensure that candidates are up-to-date on the latest security topics and trends. Currently-aligned preparation resources are critical, and periodic practice tests are one of the best ways to truly measure your level of understanding.
2019-12-21 21:49:51 12.79MB CISSP
Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2019-12-21 21:22:34 3.91MB Growing Software Guided Tests
This book is for everyone who needs to test the web. As a tester, you'll automate your tests. As a developer, you'll build more robust solutions. And as a team, you'll gain a vocabulary and a means to coordinate how to write and organize automated tests for the web. Follow the testing pyramid and le
2019-12-21 20:59:16 14.98MB Web Tester
CISSP Official ISC2 Practice Tests官方指定习题集及解析
2019-12-21 20:06:57 5.62MB CISSP 习题