Introduction Introduction 9 At a Glance 9 Great iOS Apps Embrace the Platform and HI Design Principles 9 Great App Design Begins with Some Clear Definitions 10 A Great User Experience Is Rooted in Your Attention to Detail 10 People Expect to Find iOS Technologies in the Apps They Use 10 All Apps Need at Least Some Custom Artwork 11 Chapter 1 Platform Characteristics 13 The Display Is Paramount, Regardless of Its Size 13 Device Orientation Can Change 14 Apps Respond to Gestures, Not Clicks 14 People Interact with One App at a Time 15 Preferences Are Available in Settings 16 Onscreen User Help Is Minimal 16 Most iOS Apps Have a Single Window 17 Two Types of Software Run in iOS 17 Safari on iOS Provides the Web Interface 18 Chapter 2 Human Interface Principles 21 Aesthetic Integrity 21 Consistency 21 Direct Manipulation 22 Feedback 22 Metaphors 22 User Control 23 Chapter 3 App Design Strategies 25 Create an Application Definition Statement 25 1. List All the Features You Think Users Might Like 25 2. Determine Who Your Users Are 26 3. Filter the Feature List Through the Audience Definition 26 4. Don’t Stop There 26 Design the App for the Device 27 Embrace iOS UI Paradigms 27 Ensure that Universal Apps Run Well on Both iPhone and iPad 28 Reconsider Web-Based Designs 28 Tailor Customization to the Task 29 Prototype and Iterate 31 Chapter 4 Case Studies: Transitioning to iOS 33 From Mail on the Desktop to Mail on iPhone 33 From Keynote on the Desktop to Keynote on iPad 35 From Mail on iPhone to Mail on iPad 38 From a Desktop Browser to Safari on iOS 41 Chapter 5 User Experience Guidelines 47 Focus on the Primary Task 47 Elevate the Content that People Care About 48 Think Top Down 48 Give People a Logical Path to Follow 48 Make Usage Easy and Obvious 49 Use User-Centric Terminology 50 Minimize the Effort Required for User Input 50 Downplay File-Handling Operations 50 Enable Collaboration and Connectedness 51 De-emphasize Settings 52 Brand Appropriately 53 Make Search Quick
2021-04-26 10:50:05 17.19MB iOS UI Design
通过共享模式整合社会运力资源,完成海量运力储备,依托移动互联、大数据和人工智能技术,搭建"方便、科技、可 98 靠"的货运平台,实现多种车型的即时智能调度,为个人、商户及企业提供高效的物流解决方案。实现用户端的注册、登录、订单提交,订单评价、订单分享、订单查询、车型搜索功能;司机端的注册、登录、接单功能等功能。
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这是一个 机票订票系统的界面设计,里面包含有HTML界面文件,系统描述等
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