2021-07-23 07:55:42 4.85MB 综合文档
2021-07-21 17:42:49 9.18MB Underwater Acoustic
随机游走matlab代码提高人行道稳定性和舒适度的步行步行研究与建模 毕业论文 - 行人步行的研究和建模,以提高人行道的稳定性和舒适度 该项目的一部分是在摩德纳和雷焦艾米利亚大学(意大利)科学与工程方法系与克里特技术大学(希腊)合作实施的。 委员会: 项目主管:助理教授Fabrizio Pancaldi,摩德纳和雷焦艾米利亚大学(UNIMORE)助理教授 毕业论文导师:Zervakis Michalis教授,克里特科技大学副校长兼教授 委员会成员:George Karystinos教授,克里特科技大学教授 抽象的: 人行天桥或人行道的静态稳定性可以通过机械和土木工程领域开发的几种方法进行有效评估。 另一方面,人行道的动态稳定性代表了一个未充分探索的领域,仅在过去两年中,才对此类结构的舒适性进行了研究。 人行道有摇摆倾向,会引起使用者的恐慌和不安全感,需要妥善处理,以保证行人的安全。 在本论文中,我们介绍了一种使用高斯混合模型对人类步行进行建模和仿真的创新算法。 我们的模型满足了工程师简单易用的要求,适合准确评估人行道的动态稳定性。 此外,我们实施了一个模拟器,可用于提供人类行为下地板振
2021-07-21 14:57:34 47.77MB 系统开源
modeling materials using density functional theory
2021-07-17 09:40:23 3.22MB dft density functional theory
Modeling and Design of Electromagnetic Compatibility for High-Speed Printed Circuit Boards and Packaging 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2021-07-13 15:26:02 11.42MB Modeling Design High-Speed Printed
2021-07-12 17:39:39 27.16MB 随机模型
Texturing and Modeling - A Procedural Approach Texturing and Modeling 的第三版,俺花了七个金币搞来的,现在贡献出来
2021-07-07 21:31:04 8.97MB texturing modeling shader
Texturing and Modeling 英文原版,No other book on the market contains the breadth of theoretical and practical information necessary for applying procedural methods. More than ever, Texturing & Modeling remains the chosen resource for professionals and advanced students in computer graphics and animation.
2021-07-07 20:08:26 11.81MB texture 图形学
Modeling Infectious Diseases in Humans and Animals.pdf
2021-07-07 09:08:27 236KB 传染病模型 传染病风险
This book is designed as an introduction to the modeling of infectious diseases. We start with the simplest of mathematical models and show how the inclusion of appropriate elements of biological complexity leads to improved understanding of disease dynamics and control. Throughout, our emphasis is on the development of models, and their use either as predictive tools or as a means of understanding fundamental epidemiological processes. Although many theoretical results can be proved analytically for very simple models, we have generally focused on results obtained by computer simulation, providing analytical results only where they lead to a more generic interpretation of model behavior. Where practical, we have illustrated the general modeling principles with applied examples from the recent literature. We hope this book motivates readers to develop their own models for diseases of interest, expanding on the model frameworks given here.
2021-07-05 14:10:07 23.9MB 模型选择