信号处理 第二版 英文原版 Nasser Kehtarnavaz
2021-11-06 14:43:38 22.42MB 信号处理 第二版 英文原版
安捷伦E8267D信号源的说明资料,原理图,分享一下 E8257D_67D, E8663D PSG Signal Generators Service Guide 实现框图+拆解图.pdf (10.81 MB, 下载次数: 267 ) E8267D , 说明书 , 信号源 , 原理图
2021-11-05 20:02:17 10.81MB E8257D_67D E8663D PSG Signal
近年来,由于情感识别已成为情感计算的标志之一,因此人们越来越重视生理信号来进行情感识别。本文提出了一种利用来自多个对象的心电图(ECG)信号进行情感识别的方法。数据,我们采用电影剪辑的唤醒方法,使被摄对象体验到特定的情感而不受外界干扰。通过连续小波变换对P-QRS-T波进行精确定位,充分提取了许多ECG特征。由于特征选择是一种组合在最优化问题上,采用基于邻域搜索的改进二元粒子群算法(IBPSO),通过fisher或K最近邻(K-Nearest Neighbor,KNN)分类器,寻找有效的特征来改进情绪状态的分类结果。表明该方法是成功的,并且从心电信号获得的有效特征可以表达情绪稳定非常好。
2021-11-04 14:57:24 3.67MB 数字信号处理 signal digital 系统
Udo Zolzer Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg,Germany
2021-11-04 11:38:20 6.57MB Digital Signal Processing DSP
The fourth edition of Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Noise Reduction updates and extends the chapters in the previous edition and includes two new chapters on MIMO systems, Correlation and Eigen analysis and independent component analysis. The wide range of topics covered in this book include Wiener filters, echo cancellation, channel equalisation, spectral estimation, detection and removal of impulsive and transient noise, interpolation of missing data segments, speech enhancement and noise/interference in mobile communication environments. This book provides a coherent and structured presentation of the theory and applications of statistical signal processing and noise reduction methods. Two new chapters on MIMO systems, correlation and Eigen analysis and independent component analysis Comprehensive coverage of advanced digital signal processing and noise reduction methods for communication and information processing systems Examples and applications in signal and information extraction from noisy data Comprehensive but accessible coverage of signal processing theory including probability models, Bayesian inference, hidden Markov models, adaptive filters and Linear prediction models
2021-11-03 21:55:44 18.22MB DSP Noise
Digital Signal Processing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays.3rd Ed.Springer 2007.pdf
2021-11-03 15:55:24 12.11MB Digital Signal Processing
通信信号各类调制方式,包括AM FM 2ASK 2FSK 2PSK QPSK等信号的生成。
2021-11-02 17:55:42 7KB signal
A New Matlab De-noising Algorithm for Signal Extraction.pdf
Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing Vol I Estimation很有价值的一本书 美国博士课程经典教材 另有中文版Vol I & II: http: download csdn net detail tinaeva 8452623 小闻子专业推荐 必看好书
2021-11-02 11:24:02 35.86MB statistical signal processing