复制粘贴 复制粘贴增强的非官方实现。 构建增强功能可轻松与白蛋白整合。 为COCO提供了创建兼容火炬视觉数据集的示例。 图像,遮罩和边框的核心功能已完成; 关键点尚不支持。 通常,您可以像使用其他任何专辑增强功能一样使用CopyPaste增强功能。 注意一些用法限制。 使用说明 BboxParams不能具有label_fields。 要将类标签附加到边界框,请将其直接附加到边界框坐标。 (即(x1,y1,x2,y2,class_id))。 传递给CopyPaste增强的边界框还必须在“遮罩”列表中包含相应遮罩的索引。 (即边界框看起来像(x1,y1,x2,y2,class_id,mask_index))。 举了一个COCO的例子。 CopyPaste增强功能期望使用6个关键字参数,而不是3个: output = transforms ( image = image , masks
说明 使用yolo v2构建目标检测系统,可以检测图像和视频,测试了公路上和实验室场景。基于keras和张量流主程序是object_detect.ipynb,代码里写了一些注释具体介绍等以后有空了再写把 参考 1 udacity车牌识别大作业 2 keras上的yolo v2
2021-12-06 10:18:33 52.1MB 系统开源
多对象记录 图像中的多对象识别(CS231N 项目)
2021-12-05 14:05:40 63KB Python
视频流的实时对象跟踪和检测 先决条件: OpenCV3.4 盗用者 在此处下载权重并将其放置在model_data /中 参数: $python3 src/main.py -h usage: main.py [-h] [--input INPUT] [--output OUTPUT] --model MODEL [--config CONFIG] [--classes CLASSES] [--thr THR] Object Detection and Tracking on Video Streams optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --input INPUT Path to input image or video fil
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2021-12-04 09:32:56 2.21MB object detction
无人机数据集中的对象检测(包含用户界面) 我的环境 操作系统:Ubuntu 18.04.5 GPU:NVIDIA RTX 2070超级 CUDA:10.2 参考 重量文件 yolov5:砝码/drone_survivor.pt :1st_place_medal: 级联rcnn: ://drive.google.com/file/d/1mXANwNMbQU7tmmmhZ81dFaIRvXU6rDQL/view usp sharing 更快的rcnn: ://drive.google.com/file/d/1mXANwNMbQU7tmmmhZ81dFaIRvXU6rDQL/view usp sharing 视网膜网: : 怎么做? $ git clone https://github.com/AICT-CVAI/Object-Detection-Drone && cd Object_Detecti
2021-12-03 20:53:59 93.89MB Python
本书是UML创始人Grady Booch的代表作之一,书中介绍的概念都基于牢固的理论基础。同时,本书又是一本注重实效的书,面向架构师和软件开发者等软件工程实践者的实际需要。本书通过大量例子说明了基本概念,解释了方法,并展示了在不同领域的成功应用。全书分为理论和应用两部分。理论部分深刻剖析了面向对象分析与设计 (OOAD)的概念和方法。应用部分连续列出了5个不同类型、不同领域的应用,描述如何从初始阶段到移交阶段将OOAD理论和方法应用到项目中。应用部分所涉及的领域包括系统架构、数据获取、密码分析、控制系统和Web开发,还给出了一些关于重要问题的有效建议,包括分类、实现策略和高性价比的项目管理。 Amazon.com Review In this eagerly awaited second edition, Grady Booch draws upon the rich and varied results of those projects and offers improved methods for object development and a new, unified notation. With numerous examples implemented in C++, Booch illustrates essential concepts, explains the method, and shows successful applications in a variety of fields. Booch also gives pragmatic advice on a host of issues, including classification, implementation strategies, and cost-effective project management. A two-time winner of Software Development's coveted Jolt Cola Product Excellence Award! --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. Product Description Object-Oriented Design with Applications has long been the essential reference to object-oriented technology, which, in turn, has evolved to join the mainstream of industrial-strength software development. In this third edition--the first revision in 13 years--readers can learn to apply object-oriented methods using new paradigms such as Java, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) 2.0, and .NET. The authors draw upon their rich and varied experience to offer improved methods for object development and numerous examples that tackle the complex problems faced by software engineers, including systems architecture, data acquisition, cryptoanalysis, control systems, and Web development. They illustrate essential concepts, explain the method, and show successful applications in a variety of fields. You'll also find pragmatic advice on a host of issues, including classification, implementation strategies, and cost-effective project management. New to this new edition are * An introduction to the new UML 2.0, from the
2021-12-03 20:26:24 8.39MB 面向对象 分析 设计 Object
YOLOv4 YOLOv4的TensorFlow 2.0实现:物体检测的最佳速度和准确性 该实现(目前)使用的原始Darknet权重进行。 请参阅路线图部分以了解下一步。 安装 要安装此软件包,您可以运行: pip install tf2_yolov4 pip install tensorflow # Check that tf2_yolov4 is installed properly python -c " from tf2_yolov4.model import YOLOv4; print(YOLOv4) " 要求: MacO> = 10.15,因为tensorflow-addons对于较旧的MacO版本不可用 Python> = 3.6 TensorFlow和TensorFlow插件之间的兼容版本:检查 Colab中的示例 / 预先训练的体重 我们的YOLOv4实现与K
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PCL库,LiDAR,Semantic 3D Object Maps for Everyday Manipulation in Human Living Environments,Ph.D
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安装sap gui 750后,打开smartforms或scriptforms提示:CSapEditorCtrl::GetObject: Object 13 does not exist的解决方法:安装此安装包后即可解决问题
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