FACES is a set of images of naturalistic faces of 171 young (n = 58), middle-aged (n = 56), and older (n = 57) women and men displaying each of six facial expressions: neutrality, sadness, disgust, fear, anger, and happiness. The FACES database was developed between 2005 and 2007 by Natalie C. Ebner, Michaela Riediger, and Ulman Lindenberger at the Center for Lifespan Psychology, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany.(数据库太大,分开上传)
2022-09-19 15:05:11 576.54MB database
Dynamic FACES is an extension of the original FACES database . It is a database of morphed videos (n = 1,026) of young, middle-aged, and older adults displaying six naturalistic emotional facial expressions including neutrality, sadness, disgust, fear, anger, and happiness. Static images used for morphing came from the original FACES database. Videos were created by transitioning from a static neutral image to a target emotion. Videos are available in 384 x 480 pixels as .mp4 files or in origina
2022-09-19 15:05:10 465.35MB database
2022-09-19 11:05:51 141KB
FACES is a set of images of naturalistic faces of 171 young (n = 58), middle-aged (n = 56), and older (n = 57) women and men displaying each of six facial expressions: neutrality, sadness, disgust, fear, anger, and happiness. The FACES database was developed between 2005 and 2007 by Natalie C. Ebner, Michaela Riediger, and Ulman Lindenberger at the Center for Lifespan Psychology, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany.(数据库太大,分开上传)
2022-09-19 11:05:50 512.71MB database
FACES is a set of images of naturalistic faces of 171 young (n = 58), middle-aged (n = 56), and older (n = 57) women and men displaying each of six facial expressions: neutrality, sadness, disgust, fear, anger, and happiness. The FACES database was developed between 2005 and 2007 by Natalie C. Ebner, Michaela Riediger, and Ulman Lindenberger at the Center for Lifespan Psychology, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany.(数据库太大,分开上传)
2022-09-19 11:05:49 516.71MB database
全国省市区数据SQL - 省市区
2022-09-14 22:57:41 301KB sql 数据库 database
IBM DB2通用数据库SQL入门,IBM DB2 Universal Database SQL Getting Started
2022-09-14 18:00:09 893KB getting_started ibm db2
database system concepts. 英文原版。英文 好看这本很好
2022-09-13 17:19:13 13.99MB Database
MMI 面部表情数据库, 用于表情学习,模式识别等.MMI面部表情数据库包含超过 2900 个视频和 75 个主题的高分辨率静止图像。它针对视频中 AU 的存在进行了完整注释(事件编码),并在帧级别进行了部分编码,为每一帧指示 AU 是否处于中性、起始、顶点或偏移阶段。一小部分被注释为视听笑声。这里只提供了图片数据,视频数据太大,无法上传。
2022-09-13 12:05:15 96.17MB 表情数据库
横向滑动的网格布局 ViewPager嵌套了GridView 代码简单易懂
2022-09-13 10:45:04 125KB Android ViewPager+Grid GridView