使用指南 使用genTrig()或genRotAxis()生成参考运动和角速度测量值。 使用genMea()为参考运动生成姿态或矢量测量值。 使用“无偏差过滤器”文件夹中的功能估计姿态。
2022-01-26 21:20:40 14KB MATLAB
介绍: 今天在使用django的时候忽然想用到,如何匹配多个关键字的操作,我们知道django有一个objects.filter()方法,我们可以通过如下一句代码实现匹配数据库中title包含key关键词的文章名称。 table.objects.filter(title__contains=key) 问题: 但是我的需求是我不仅仅只需要匹配出一个关键字的文章而是多个关键字的文章,那么我们该如何使用django的objects.filter()? table.objects.filter(title__contains=key1)+.objects.filter(title__contain
2022-01-26 13:29:52 46KB c cts django
1、卡尔曼滤波 2、卡尔曼平滑 3、matla 2017实现
The primary aim of this book is to develop the mathematical theory of various realizations of linear adaptive filters. Adaptation is accomplished by adjusting the free para meters (coefficients) of a filter in accordance with the input data, which, in reality, makes the adaptive filter nonlinear. When we speak of an adaptive filter being “linear,” we mean the following: The input-output map of the filter obeys the principle of superposition whenever, at any particular instant of time, the filter’s parameters are all fixed. There is no unique solution to the linear adaptive filtering problem. Rather, we have a “kit of tools” represented by a variety of recursive algorithms, each of which offers desirable features of its own. This book provides such a kit. In terms of background, it is assumed that the reader has taken introductory undergraduate courses on probability theory and digital signal processing; undergraduate courses on communication and control systems would also be an advantage.
2022-01-24 21:14:25 11.23MB Adaptive Filter
The bilateral filter is the first loop filter in the decoding process chain of the JEM. Just after a TU is reconstructed, each sample in the reconstructed TU is replaced by a weighted average of itself and its neighbours within the TU. The weights are calculated based on the distance from the center sample as well as the difference in sample values.
2022-01-24 16:16:23 189KB Bilateral filter
2022-01-22 16:11:00 1KB 斑点,医学
2022-01-20 19:01:49 32KB intellij idea ide agent
2022-01-20 14:35:42 34KB ffmpeg filter 混音 amix
Para_cv1为初始化参数(见博客另一个文件) KF: 包括离散时间卡尔曼滤波 连续时间卡尔曼滤波 混合时间卡尔曼滤波 相较于simulink集成的KF模块,本模块简洁,容易后期修改
2022-01-19 14:36:34 946B 连续时间卡尔曼lvbo SIMULINK Kalman FILTER
本教程的目的是通过一个简单的例子来说明卡尔曼滤波器的使用。 问题:预测移动列车 2 秒前的位置和速度,在前 10 秒内对其位置进行噪声测量(每秒 10 个样本)。 真实情况:火车最初位于点 x = 0 并沿 X 轴以恒定速度 V = 10m/sec 移动,因此火车的运动方程为 X = X0 + V*t。 很容易看出火车在 12 秒后的位置将是 x = 120m,这就是我们将尝试找到的。 方法:我们每 dt = 0.1 秒测量(采样)火车的位置。 但是,由于设备不完善、天气等原因,我们的测量结果有噪声,因此从 2 个连续位置测量值(请记住,我们仅测量位置)得出的瞬时速度是不准确的。 我们将使用卡尔曼滤波器,因为我们需要对速度进行准确和平滑的估计,以便预测未来列车的位置。 我们假设测量噪声呈正态分布,均值为 0,标准差为 SIGMA
2022-01-18 21:26:28 3KB matlab