来源 ••••• 滑梯 文件夹包含演示文稿的源代码,包括来自伯克利的教学机器学习的-该源代码位于markdown中(),可轻松编辑/导出 研究概述 在文件夹中不同研究领域的最新论文的概述和摘要(例如ml的可, , , , ) 笔记 文件夹包含有关计算机科学,统计学和神经科学之间许多不同课程和领域的降价笔记和 码 链接到研究代码,例如以下存储库: 可解释的机器学习 可解释的深度学习 深度学习的乐趣 :透明模型拟合, :解归因曲线 :层次解释, :解释转换, :惩罚性解释 :演示模型,带有gpt2的 帖子 关于机器学习/统计/神经科学进步各个方面的帖子 参考 要获取更新,请为存储库星标或关注 随时公开使用! 用jekyll + github页面构建 使用和
2021-02-02 12:06:31 198.18MB python blog website data-science
元概率 嵌入的一种用于概率编程和元编程的语言。 注意:Metaprob当前是不稳定的研究原型,几乎没有文档,而且测试覆盖率很低。 同样,将来的版本可能与此版本不向后兼容。 我们不建议将其用于基础研究以外的任何目的,并且尚不能为MIT概率计算项目之外的用户提供支持。 主要特征 可以通过生成代码表示模型,即可以随机选择的普通代码 模型也可以通过近似表示,例如具有非平凡权重的重要性采样器 定制推理算法可以通过反射性语言结构以用户空间代码编写,用于: 跟踪程序执行 使用部分跟踪来指定干预和约束 通用推理算法是通过标准库中的用户空间代码提供的; 添加新算法不需要修改语言实现 所有推理算法都是普通的生成代码,可以作为模型进行跟踪和处理 新的概率分布和推理算法是一流的公民,可以在程序执行期间动态创建 动机 概率编程和推理元编程的轻量级嵌入 基于浏览器的交互式数据分析工具(通过 ) 适用于企业部署的智能数据管道(通过JVM上的Clojure) “小核心”语言可能适合正式规范和验证 教学 有兴趣实施自己的最低PPL的本科生和研究生 对概率建模和推理感兴趣的软件工程师和数据工程师 人工智能与认知
Proceedings of the Second Annual Data Science Sympoisum
2021-01-28 04:28:14 4.12MB DataScience
数据科学入门,第二版, 介绍数据科学基本知识的重量级读本,Google数据科学家作品。   数据科学是一个蓬勃发展、前途无限的行业,有人将数据科学家称为“21世纪头号性感职业”。本书从零开始讲解数据科学工作,教授数据科学工作所必需的黑客技能,并带领读者熟悉数据科学的核心知识——数学和统计学。   作者选择了功能强大、简单易学的Python语言环境,亲手搭建工具和实现算法,并精心挑选了注释良好、简洁易读的实现范例。书中涵盖的所有代码和数据都可以在GitHub上下载。   通过阅读本书,你可以:   学到一堂Python速成课;   学习线性代数、统计和概率论的基本方法,了解它们是怎样应用在数据科学中的;   掌握如何收集、探索、清理、转换和操作数据;   深入理解机器学习的基础;   运用k-近邻、朴素贝叶斯、线性回归和逻辑回归、决策树、神经网络和聚类等各种数据模型;   探索推荐系统、自然语言处理、网络分析、MapReduce和数据库。
2020-11-18 16:23:36 4.65MB data
Data science is an interdisciplinary field encompassing scientific methods, processes, and systems to extract knowledge or insights from data in various forms, either structured or unstructured. It draws principles from mathematics, statistics, information science, computer science, machine learning, visualization, data mining, and predictive analytics. However, it is fundamentally grounded in mathematics. This book explains and applies the fundamentals of data science crucial for technical professionals such as DBAs and developers who are making career moves toward practicing data science. It is an example- driven book providing complete Python coding examples to complement and clarify data science concepts, and enrich the learning experience. Coding examples include visualizations whenever appropriate. The book is a necessary precursor to applying and implementing machine learning algorithms, because it introduces the reader to foundational principles of the science of data.
2020-04-08 03:29:17 7.26MB Python MongoDB
This book is an introduction to concepts, techniques, and applications in data science. This book focuses on the analysis of data, covering concepts from statistics to machine learning, techniques for graph analysis and parallel programming, and applications such as recommender systems or sentiment analysis. All chapters introduce new concepts that are illustrated by practical cases using real data. Public databases such as Eurostat, different social networks, and MovieLens are used. Specific questions about the data are posed in each chapter. The solutions to these questions are implemented using Python programming language and presented in code boxes properly commented. This allows the reader to learn data science by solving problems which can generalize to other problems. This book is not intended to cover the whole set of data science methods neither to provide a complete collection of references. Currently, data science is an increasing and emerging field, so readers are encouraged to look for specific methods and references using keywords in the net.
2020-01-23 03:13:52 6.43MB Python
r for data science 中文翻译版~
2020-01-19 03:14:12 20.95MB RR data
版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。 作者:Tommy(来自豆瓣) 来源:https://book.douban.com/review/8367790/ 本书内容对应的 Jupyter notebook 放在 GitHub 上。 https://github.com/jakevdp/PythonDataScienceHandbook
2020-01-10 03:07:06 26.17MB Python
Statistical methods are a key part of of data science, yet very few data scientists have any formal statistics training. Courses and books on basic statistics rarely cover the topic from a data science perspective. This practical guide explains how to apply various statistical methods to data science, tells you how to avoid their misuse, and gives you advice on what's important and what's not. Many data science resources incorporate statistical methods but lack a deeper statistical perspective. If you're familiar with the R programming language, and have some exposure to statistics, this quick reference bridges the gap in an accessible, readable format. Why exploratory data analysis is a key preliminary step in data science; How random sampling can reduce bias and yield a higher quality dataset, even with big data; How the principles of experimental design yield definitive answers to questions; How to use regression to estimate outcomes and detect anomalies; Key classification techniques for predicting which categories a record belongs to; Statistical machine learning methods that "learn" from data; Unsupervised learning methods for extracting meaning from unlabeled data.
2020-01-03 11:34:28 13.4MB Statistics data science