TjuES57MapViewer是将天津大学电子海图控件TjuES57Map作为电子海图引擎开发的电子海图显示系统。 天津大学电子海图控件TjuES57Map为AIMIP实验室独立自主开发,具有独立知识产权的S-57海图引擎,适用于Windows系列操作系统。TjuES57Map根据国际水文组织S-57数字水文数据传输标准和S-52电子海图显示与信息系统海图内容和显示方面规范来解析和绘制海图,具有强大的海图绘制能力,兼具多种海图交互方式,供用户通过二次开发在其应用中构建功能丰富、交互性强的电子海图应用程序。 本资源包含TjuES57MapViewer按转包及其开源VS工程。该VS工程含有TjuES57MapViewer的上层源码,可作为用户使用TjuES57Map进行二次开发的示例程序。共提供适用于32位操作系统下.NET Framework 2.0及4.0组件、以及64位操作系统下.NET Framework 4.0组件三种软件环境的开源VS工程,以及详细的TjuES57Map接口说明指南。
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.NET VNC查看器是完全用C#编写的VNC查看器。 它与智能手机,Pocket PC和Windows桌面(.NET CF或.NET Framework)二进制兼容。 我写这篇文章是因为Pocket PC上的其他VNC查看器无法全屏显示和旋转屏幕。
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本人为一个项目些的web ActiveX控件,用Visual Studio 2010 c++写的,主要是用来获取客户端电脑MAC地址和CPU序列号!
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The .NET Design Pattern Framework 4.5 is actually 10 products in one -- each filled with .NET code and information you will not find anywhere else -- and each working together, ready to give your apps, your projects, and your career a boost. They are: 69 Comprehensive .NET 4.5 GoF Design Pattern Projects 23 Valuable UML Diagrams in Visio format 3-Tier / N-Tier Pattern and Practices based Architectures Reference Application: ASP.NET MVC Patterns Reference Application: ASP.NET Web Forms Patterns Reference Application: Windows Forms Patterns Reference Application: WPF Patterns NEW Art Shop -- A fully functional, real-world e-commerce Web App NEW SparkTM -- A rapid application development (RAD) platform & more... Printable PDF documents for all Projects & Patterns Our most recent release, Design Pattern Framework 4.5, has been enhanced with the latest insights into building apps using modern architectures, patterns, and best practices. These include MVC 4, SimpleMembership, OAuth with Facebook, REST, Active Record Pattern, CQRS Pattern, Repository and Unit-of-Work Patterns, and more. We're particularly excited about the addition of our new SparkTM technology. Spark is a RAD (rapid application development) platform that helps you deliver .NET applications faster and better than ever before. Continue reading to learn more.
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