为了能在VFP中使用imgedit控件,搜了很长时间,终于成功了。将文件下载解压到C:\windows\system32下,运行:Regsvr32 Imgedit.ocx /S。打开VFP,工具——选项——ActiveX控件,添加:IMGedit.ocx。
2022-09-21 12:15:52 555KB imgedit.ocx imgscan
vb编程按钮特效模块设计代码vb programming code module design effects button
2022-09-20 19:00:24 21KB button button__xp vb特效 特效__button
VC开发的USB源码 说明: 需要win2000或者winxp的DDK,才能编译。
2022-09-20 15:01:12 39KB vc_usb xp_ddk
含clhdaud.inf,clhdaud.sys,clhdaud_nospdif.sys等文件,很牛B,各种mac pro的windows都能用。已测试! This modified Windows XP driver is for the MacBook Pro's (MC118LL/A) Cirrus Logic CS4206 audio device, addressing the output volume issues as described in http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2037093 -- Summary of Changes -- This driver is a modification of clhdaud.sys version * Enables the third (midrange) speaker in the MacBook Pro. * Removes the -16dB volume limit on the speakers, and applies it to the headphone output instead. * The "No S/PDIF" variant disables S/PDIF optical output. -- Installation -- There are two variants of the driver: * Cirrus Logic High Definition Audio [MacBook] * Cirrus Logic High Definition Audio [MacBook, No S/PDIF Out] Both versions enable the midrange speaker and corrects the volume. The "No S/PDIF" version also disables the S/PDIF optical output. Installation of the modified driver follows standard procedure: In Device Manager, Update Driver for the Cirrus Logic High Definition Audio device, then manually choose to install the driver. This driver is not signed, as it is a modification of a signed driver. Fixes for Macbook Pro MC118LL/A by Henry Wong http://www.stuffedcow.net/macbook_audio
2022-09-20 13:37:34 32KB mac 声卡驱动 windows 麦克风
XP 2003 WIN7 垃圾清理 无毒无插件,简单方便,主要是小
2022-09-19 14:08:32 7KB 系统清理垃圾
精简XP安装iscsi需要的补丁 精简XP安装iscsi需要的补丁
2022-09-18 19:15:40 3.05MB 精简XP iscsi 补丁
2022-09-15 22:15:33 3.09MB 书籍
操作步骤: 1.将"Xposed Installer.exe"放到纯英文的路径下 2.关闭所有模拟器 3.运行“Xposed Installer.exe” 4.启动模拟器 5.输入与你模拟器对应的版本 等待运行结束 如果安装不成功可以将杀毒软件先退出再按照上面的操作步骤来一次
2022-09-14 13:04:36 22.64MB 模拟器xp框架安装
zeromq 4.0 适合windowsXP使用的libzmq.dll. 可以自己使用vs2008编译。 lib目录是我编译的,在XP下测试发布订阅模式没问题 “ZeroMQ.lib.zmq”的类型初始值设定项引发异常。 if_indextoname IPHLPAPI.DLL xp 没有getqueuedcompletionstatusex zeromq initializecriticalsectionex xp
2022-09-02 21:22:46 8.07MB zeromq xp