Orange Pi 3 LTS原生系统(Orangepi3-lts_2.1.6_ubuntu_focal_server_linux4.9.118.img)没有加载ISCSI服务,这个是重新编译后的有ISCSI驱动的内核文件。
2022-04-22 19:00:54 10.3MB ubuntu linux 运维 服务器
Raspberry Pi Networking Cookbook(2nd) 英文无水印pdf 第2版 pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2022-04-21 10:23:39 8.14MB Raspberry Networking Cookbook
The world of Raspberry Pi is evolving quickly, with many new interface boards and software libraries becoming available all the time. In this cookbook, prolific hacker and author Simon Monk provides more than 200 practical recipes for running this tiny low-cost computer with Linux, programming it with Python, and hooking up sensors, motors, and other hardware—including Arduino. You’ll also learn basic principles to help you use new technologies with Raspberry Pi as its ecosystem develops. Python and other code examples from the book are available on GitHub. This cookbook is ideal for programmers and hobbyists familiar with the Pi through resources such as Getting Started with Raspberry Pi (O’Reilly). Set up and manage your Raspberry Pi Connect the Pi to a network Work with its Linux-based operating system Use the Pi’s ready-made software Program Raspberry Pi with Python Control hardware through the GPIO connector Use Raspberry Pi to run different types of motors Work with switches, keypads, and other digital inputs Hook up sensors for taking various measurements Attach different displays, such as an LED matrix Create dynamic projects with Raspberry Pi and Arduino.
2022-04-21 01:24:49 10.11MB Raspberry
2022-04-20 16:37:06 329KB 整流器 PI控制 滑模控制 PWM
2022-04-19 21:59:02 12.26MB 信号 完整性 SI PI
Raspi-Cam 使用 Raspberry Pi 摄像头和按钮或 PIR 传感器在 Raspberry Pi 上录制视频以触发录制的各种示例。 用Java编写。 得到它 git clone 建造它 cd raspi-cam mvn install 准备 mkdir /home/pi/capture 跑步 仅当连接远程调试器时才需要: export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=6006" 按下按钮启动相机,松开按钮停止->按钮必须连接到GPIO02(27) sudo mvn -PbuttonCam install exec:java 当 PIR 注意到移动时播放声
2022-04-17 00:54:55 137KB Java
土壤传感器 这个仓库有三件事: Raspberry Pi的代码可根据土壤的电容测量值读取土壤的水分含量。 一个烧瓶应用程序,用于在网页上显示传感器数据。 用于执行传感器代码的外壳程序脚本(需要根据您的系统更新路径)。 传感器代码必须在RPi上作为cron作业运行。 我保存我的工作时没有进行重构或编写大量文档,因此任何尝试使用此存储库的人都可能会很辛苦(包括我自己)! 硬件 树莓派 面包板 跨接电缆 电容式触摸传感器 SPI 谢谢 这些人的综合知识:
2022-04-16 20:41:14 17KB Python
mathematica写的 投针法求Pi
2022-04-16 15:34:02 3KB mathematica 投针法 求pi 数学建模
raspberry pi 4b , 基于ffmpeg 实现RTSP访问, 基于 h264_mmal 硬解码视频帧,增加水印文字, 基于 h264_omx 硬编码视频帧, 推送RTSP视频流。 使用: (需修改访问rtsp地址和推送rtsp地址) 1. mkdir build & cd build 2. cmake .. & make -j 3. ./ffmpeg_sample
2022-04-16 09:07:10 7KB 音视频 ffmpeg h264_omx rtsp