UVM1.1应用指南及源码分析这本书,写的很好...为了学习UVM,将这本书中的第一章的那个demo完整的跑出来了...并且有详细的注释...全部手打... 另外个人感觉代码这东西还是要自己敲的..提供这个例子也仅仅是为了大家验证自己的uvm开发平台是否正确。 我的开发平台:操作系统:win7 64bit ;questa Sim 10.0.c;uvm 1.1;gcc编译器:gcc-4.2.1-mingw32vc9
2022-12-29 09:27:16 8KB UVM demo 验证方法学 system
On Building an Accurate Stereo Matching System on Graphics Hardware,AD-census原文
2022-12-26 15:26:22 411KB 双目视觉 立体匹配
HP StoreOnce Backup System 用户指南
2022-12-23 13:01:33 13.8MB HP存储 StoreOnce
医院管理系统 为非商业开发(仅限教育目的) #贡献者阿卜杜拉 - (发展) 哈希姆 - (文档) Ibtehaj - (设计) 描述 名为“医院管理系统”的项目的目的是将医院前台管理计算机化,以开发用户友好、简单、快速且具有成本效益的软件。 它处理患者信息、诊断详细信息等的收集。传统上,它是手动完成的。 该系统的主要功能是注册和存储患者详细信息和医生详细信息,并在需要时检索这些详细信息,并有意义地处理这些详细信息 系统输入包含患者详细信息、诊断详细信息; 而系统输出是将这些详细信息显示在 CRT 屏幕上。 我们的项目医院管理系统包括患者登记、将他们的详细信息存储到系统中,以及药房和实验室的计算机化计费。 我们的软件能够为每位患者提供唯一的 ID,并自动存储每位患者和工作人员的详细信息。 它包括一个搜索工具,可以了解每个房间的当前状态。 用户可以使用 id 搜索医生的可用性和患者的详细信息
2022-12-23 12:25:34 10.86MB PHP
IBM System x3850 M2 服务器用户手册,官方手册。
2022-12-23 12:04:58 95KB 服务器用户手册 IBMSystemx3850
modeling electric power system
2022-12-23 11:07:23 1.19MB modeling electric power system
带有Python的电影推荐系统 通过推荐与特定电影最相似的电影的基本推荐系统。 使用该样本来构建系统,这不是一个可靠的系统,只会告诉您哪些电影与您选择的电影更相似。
2022-12-21 10:53:48 911KB 系统开源
'We have always recommended these books to our customers and even our own engineers for developing a better understanding of technologies and specifications. We find the latest PCI Express book from MindShare to have the same content and high quality as all the others.' --Nader Saleh, CEO/President, Catalyst Enterprises, Inc. PCI Express is the third-generation Peripheral Component Inter-connect technology for a wide range of systems and peripheral devices. Incorporating recent advances in high-speed, point-to-point interconnects, PCI Express provides significantly higher performance, reliability, and enhanced capabilities--at a lower cost--than the previous PCI and PCI-X standards. Therefore, anyone working on next-generation PC systems, BIOS and device driver development, and peripheral device design will need to have a thorough understanding of PCI Express. PCI Express System Architecture provides an in-depth description and comprehensive reference to the PCI Express standard. The book contains information needed for design, verification, and test, as well as background information essential for writing low-level BIOS and device drivers.In addition, it offers valuable insight into the technology's evolution and cutting-edge features. Following an overview of the PCI Express architecture, the book moves on to cover transaction protocols, the physical/electrical layer, power management, configuration, and more. Specific topics covered include: *Split transaction protocol *Packet format and definition, including use of each field *ACK/NAK protocol *Traffic Class and Virtual Channel applications and use *Flow control initialization and operation *Error checking mechanisms and reporting options *Switch design issues *Advanced Power Management mechanisms and use *Active State Link power management *Hot Plug design and operation *Message transactions *Physical layer functions *Electrical signaling characteristics and issues *PCI Express enumeration procedures *Configuration register definitions Thoughtfully organized, featuring a plethora of illustrations, and comprehensive in scope, PCI Express System Architecture is an essential resource for anyone working with this important technology.MindShare's PC System Architecture Series is a crisply written and comprehensive set of guides to the most important PC hardware standards. Books in the series are intended for use by hardware and software designers, programmers, and support personnel. 0321156307B08262003
2022-12-20 17:31:02 12.57MB PCI Express
群组推荐系统 [WIP] 该存储库包含 Group Recommendation 的最新研究论文、数据集和源代码(如果有)。 免费免费创建 PR 进行合并。 基于记忆的方法 偏好聚合 CoFeel:在群组推荐系统中使用情绪进行社交互动。 RecSys 2012 。 [ ] 具有部分信息的产品评级的数学建模和分析。 TKDD 2010 。 [ ] 通过纳入社会关系互动来增强群体推荐。 集团 2010 年。 [ ] 用于委员会决策的组推荐系统中的偏好聚合。 RecSys 2009 。 [ ] 一种考虑群组成员交互的群组推荐系统。 专家系统应用程序2008 年。 [ ] 基于用户档案合并的多观众电视节目推荐。 乌梅 2006 年。 [ ] 自适应无线电:使用否定首选项实现共识。 集团 2005 年。 [ ] 超过其成员的总和:群组推荐系统的挑战。 AVI 2004 。