Expert Oracle Database Architecture中文版: Oracle 9i&10g编程艺术:深入数据库体系结构
2021-10-25 21:29:10 7.07MB Expert Oracle Database Architecture
6D Architect,This is NDI prototype tool for initialization.
2021-10-22 16:37:00 6.35MB machine-check architecture
统一体系架构框架UAF的 Profile 文档,可以兼容现有的DoDAF、MODAF、NAF等体系架构框架,是2017年11月由OMG发布的。
2021-10-21 10:43:52 7.17MB 体系架构框架
Tricore 内核架构手册,V1.3,英文版本 需要了解Tricore内核操作细节,移植RTOS,可以自行下载查看。 1 Architecture Overview 2 Programming Model 3 General Purpose and System Registers 4 Tasks and Functions 5 Interrupt System 6 Trap System 7 Memory Integrity Error Mitigation (TriCore 1.3.1) 8 Physical Memory Attributes (PMA) 9 Memory Protection System 10 Memory Management Unit (MMU) 11 Floating Point Unit (FPU) 12 Core Debug Controller (CDC) 13 TriCore 1.3.1 Architectural Extensions
2021-10-18 17:00:45 2.49MB Tricore RTOS vol1
This book deals with the architecture of the network subsystem in the Linux kernel. The idea for this book was born at the Institute of Telematics at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany, where the Linux kernel has been used in many research projects and its network functionality is modified or enhanced, respectively, in a targeted way. For instance, new services and protocols were developed for the next-generation Internet, and their behavior was studied. In addition, existing protocols, such as the TCP transport protocol, were modified to improve their behavior and adapt them to the new situation in the Internet.
2021-10-18 09:10:49 8.64MB Linux Networking
保险行业元宇宙架构 Insurance Me他verse Architecture
2021-10-13 16:02:23 3.28MB 保险元宇宙
arm架构 指令集 寄存器 内存架构等介绍
2021-10-13 10:00:54 12.7MB armv
Essentials of Computer Architecture, Second Edition by Douglas Comer 2017 | ISBN: 1138626597 | English | 535 pages | True PDF | 4 MB This easy to read textbook provides an introduction to computer architecture, while focusing on the essential aspects of hardware that programmers need to know. The topics are explained from a programmer’s point of view, and the text emphasizes consequences for programmers. Divided in five parts, the book covers the basics of digital logic, gates, and data paths, as well as the three primary aspects of architecture: processors, memories, and I/O systems. The book also covers advanced topics of parallelism, pipelining, power and energy, and performance. A hands-on lab is also included. The second edition contains three new chapters as well as changes and updates throughout.
2021-10-11 15:18:40 3.69MB Computer Architecture
Computer_Organization and Architecture_7e solution 计算机组织于体系结构答案 非常难得的资源
matlab中的plp代码使用 DNN 进行语音活动检测的特征和架构研究 该工具包提供了威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校电气和计算机工程系硕士论文(使用深度神经网络进行语音活动检测的特征和架构研究)中使用的代码。 介绍 该工具包基于以下工作:[1]。 该工具包的附加值是特征分析部分。 本工具包中的 SAD 遵循以下步骤: 声学特征提取 使用Python从语音中提取以下特征: MRCG MFCC 全球气候变化委员会 RASTA-PLP(在 Matlab 中从 Python 中提取) AMS 能量 + 过零(在 Matlab 中从 Python 中提取) 多分辨率 MFCC - 为本文创建的新功能 多分辨率 MFCC (MR-MFCC): 此功能背后的主要思想是对语音信号的多分辨率频谱表示进行编码,以捕获本地信息和频谱时间上下文。 此功能的灵感来自多分辨率耳蜗图 (MRCG),发现它对 SAD 有益,但遵循计算复杂度较低的提取方案。 MR-MFCC 分三步提取: 从 25ms 窗口计算 40 维 MFCC 从长度为 200ms 的窗口计算 MFCC 将结果连接到一个向量以生成具有 80 维的特征。
2021-10-10 17:57:31 17.34MB 系统开源