Continuing Garrett and Grisham's innovative conceptual and organizing framework, "Essential Questions," Biochemistry guides students through course concepts in a way that reveals the beauty and usefulness of biochemistry in the everyday world.The book's balanced presentation has been streamlined for increased clarity and readability–and to make it more interesting to visual learners, this edition also includes new photos and illustrations that show the subject matter consistently throughout the text. New end-of-chapter problems, MCAT practice questions, and the unparalleled text/media integration with the power of CengageNOW round out this exceptional package, giving students the tools they need to master course concepts and develop critical problem-solving skills they can draw upon long after the course ends. ,解压密码
2021-07-14 17:00:25 45.91MB 英文
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经典教材 Sheldon M. Ross This updated text provides a superior introduction to applied probability and statistics for engineering or science majors. Ross emphasizes the manner in which probability yields insight into statistical problems; ultimately resulting in an intuitive understanding of the statistical procedures most often used by practicing engineers and scientists. Real data sets are incorporated in a wide variety of exercises and examples throughout the book, and this emphasis on data motivates the probability coverage.
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2021-07-01 00:36:37 1.47MB Computer Organization Design
Computer Organization and Design, The Hardware&Software Interface, Fourth Edition 计算机组成原理与设计的经典英文版教材,阅读英文教材可以直接并且准确地获取计算机深度的知识,尤其是这样不可多得的经典教材。另外配套了本教材的CD,全部压缩好了。
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This Fourth Revised Edition of Computer Organization and Design includes a complete set of updated and new exercises, along with improvements and changes suggested by instructors and students. Focusing on the revolutionary change taking place in industry today--the switch from uniprocessor to multicore microprocessors--this classic textbook has a modern and up-to-date focus on parallelism in all its forms. Examples highlighting multicore and GPU processor designs are supported with performance and benchmarking data. As with previous editions, a MIPS processor is the core used to present the fundamentals of hardware technologies, assembly language, computer arithmetic, pipelining, memory hierarchies and I/O. Sections on the ARM and x86 architectures are also included.
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