2024-01-09 11:54:46 40KB jQuery 打字机文字 飞入动画代码
介绍10种开源ERP系统:OpenERP,Openbravo,Apache OFBiz,Compiere,webERP,ERP5,opentaps,Dolibarr,ADempiere,PostBooks
2024-01-09 11:49:27 152KB
此文件是本人在实际项目中使用的文件: 使用方法如下 1、调用:I2C_Init() 初始化AD5612的引脚 2、输出想要的电压时:Write_AD5612IIC_REG(channel,DAC_IIC_0500V); 参数:channel 表示哪个AD芯片输出,因为我项目里有四个 参数:DAC_IIC_0500V 是我定义的表示0.5V电压的宏定义 ,如下 #define DAC_IIC_0500V 171 宏定义计算方法:Vout/3*1024。比如想输出0.6V,那么宏定义=0.6/3*1024=204.8可以取204或者205
2024-01-09 11:48:10 3KB stm32 ADC 模数转换
1、PCB拼板的外框(夹持边)应采用闭环设计,确保PCB拼板固定在夹具上以后不会变形; 2、PCB拼板宽度≤260mm(SIEMENS线)或≤300mm(FUJI线);如果需要自动点胶,PCB拼板宽度×长度≤125 mm×180 mm; 3、PCB拼板外形尽量接近正方形,推荐采用2×2、3×3、……拼板;但不要拼成阴阳板; 4、小板之间的中心距控制在75 mm~145 mm之间; 5、设置基准定位点时,通常在定位点的周围留出比其大1.5 mm的无阻焊区; 6、拼板外框与内部小板、小板与小板之间的连接点附近不能有大的器件或伸出的器件,且元器件与PCB板的边缘应留有大于0.5mm的空间,以保证切割刀具正常运行; 7、在拼板外框的四角开出四个定位孔,孔径4mm±0.01mm;孔的强度要适中,保证在上下板过程中不会断裂;孔径及位置精度要高,孔壁光滑无毛刺; 8、PCB拼板内的每块小板至少要有三个定位孔,3≤孔径≤6 mm,边缘定位孔1mm内不允许布线或者贴片; 9、用于PCB的整板定位和用于细间距器件定位的基准符号,原则上间距小于0.65mm的QFP应在其对角位置设置;用于
2024-01-09 11:41:25 76KB 硬件设计
Media Gateway 用于监控车载以太网通信,以太网端口测试,CAN/LIN/Flexray与100Base-T1路由测试等;在BMW,AUDI,BOSCH以及国内多公司大量使用; MediaGateway from Technica Engineering is a development tool for testing and analyzing on-board vehicle networks. MediaGateway from Technica Engineering is the most widely used development and testing tool for on-board vehicle networks using 100BASE-T1. It’s in-built automotive switches and 12 x 100BASE-T1 ports enable both capture of traffic between devices while maintaining the normal communication, as well as interaction with such devices via your test set-up. It supports single and double tagging of VLANs, Mirroring, Forwarding and more. MediaGateway is excellently suitable for subsystem testing stations and can also be installed in a test vehicle without complications. It is configured conveniently via a browser through the integrated web server. An additional and optional CAN-Ethernet bi-directional conversion is available, as well as FlexRay logging via Ethernet and one SFP slot. The SFP slot supports commercial-grade SFP modules (e.g. optical or RJ-45) as well as our 100BASE-T1 SFP Module in order to get a 13th Automotive Ethernet Port or our 1000BASE-T1 SFP Module – this makes the MediaGateway ready for Automotive Gigabit Ethernet! 12 Broadcom 100BASE-T1 ports (100 MBit/s full duplex on a single unshielded twisted pair) 3 Gigabit Ethernet ports 1 SFP Gigabit Ethernet port Automotive Tyco MQS connectors for 100BASE-T1 and power supply Web server for easy configuration: Master/Slave, HalfOut/FullOut, Port Forwarding, Port Mirroring, VLAN Tagging WakeUp function by CAN Bus or Wakeline Power output for attached devices: VBAT max. 1 Ampere in total 19 status LEDs Possibility to reset to default settings by pushbutton Robust steel case Power requirement: 8 to 16 V DC, power consumption: 8 Watt Size: 195 x 143 x 33 mm 802.1AS Bridge function
2024-01-03 18:39:48 2KB
安装程序,一键安装,可设置为中文 在xe10上亲测安装成功 FastReport® 5.0 VCL is an add-on component that allows your application to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport® provides all the necessary tools to develop reports, including a visual report designer, a reporting core, and a preview window. It can be used in the Borland® Delphi 7-2006, Borland® C++Builder 2006, Turbo Delphi/C++Builder, CodeGear® Delphi 2007, CodeGear® C++Builder 2007, CodeGear® Delphi 2009, CodeGear® C++Builder 2009, Embarcadero® Delphi 2010, Embarcadero ® C++Builder 2010, Embarcadero® Delphi XE, Embarcadero ® C++Builder XE, Embarcadero® Delphi XE2, Embarcadero ® C++Builder XE2, Embarcadero® Delphi XE3, Embarcadero ® C++Builder XE3, Embarcadero® Delphi XE4, Embarcadero ® C++Builder XE4 Embarcadero® Delphi XE5, Embarcadero ® C++Builder XE5, Embarcadero® Delphi XE6, Embarcadero ® C++Builder XE6, Embarcadero® Delphi XE7, Embarcadero ® C++Builder XE7, Embarcadero® Delphi XE8 and Embarcadero ® C++Builder XE8, Embarcadero® Delphi 10 Seattle and Embarcadero ® C++Builder 10 Seattle environments.
2023-12-29 21:54:00 26.59MB FASTREPORT delphi xe10
neo4j企业版 5.10.0 windows 版本 neo4j企业版 5.10.10 linux版本,企业版与社区的差别很大,主要有: 1、容量:社区版最多支持 320 亿个节点、320 亿个关系和 640 亿个属性,而企业版没有这个限制; 2、并发:社区版只能部署成单实例,不能做集群。而企业版可以部署成高可用集群或因果集群,从而可以解决高并发量的问题; 3、容灾:由于企业版支持集群,部分实例出故障不会影响整个系统正常运行; 4、热备:社区版只支持冷备份,即需要停止服务后才能进行备份,而企业版支持热备,第一次是全量备份,后续是增量备份; 5、性能:社区版最多用到 4 个内核,而企业能用到全部内核,且对性能做了精心的优化; 6、支持:企业版客户能得到 5X10 电话支持(Neo4j 美国电话、邮件,微云数聚电话、微信、邮件); 6、插件:还有企业版可以使用Bloom、ETL这些工具,社区版不支持
2023-12-28 18:33:48 383.98MB windows
《WMP12 Style 10》是一个能将您的Windows Media Player软件环境(包括选项图标)完美转换成Win10风格的软件(仅用于Windows Media Player),支持Windows 7/8/10所有版本。
2023-12-25 19:00:14 11.3MB 系统美化
win 7 64位 php 5.3.10版本 memcached安装方法
2023-12-23 09:01:45 405KB 5.3.10 memcached win7