logistic_regression 用logistic回归预测糖尿病数据集_我在糖尿病数据集上使用了logistic回归和决策树分类器模型,在对两个模型进行训练和测试数据集比率相同后,我发现logistic回归给出的准确性更高,大约为80%,而决策树分类器给出了约75%。
2021-06-12 15:32:47 12KB JupyterNotebook
https://blog.csdn.net/ljw_study_in_CSDN/article/details/117775766 博客配套代码+数据集文件
2021-06-10 14:11:02 35KB 机器学习 python 逻辑回归 softmax回归
一本很好的关于逻辑回归分析的书 Review "...The book is a classic, extremely well written, and it includes a variety of software packages and real examples...." -- The Statistician, Vol. 51, No.2, 2002 "...an excellent book that balances many objectives well.... All statistical practitioners...can benefit from this book...Applied Logistic Regression is an ideal choice." -- Technometrics, February 2002 "...it remains an extremely valuable text for everyone working or teaching in fields like epidemiology..." -- Statistics in Medicine, No.21, 2002 "...the revised text continues to provide a focused introduction to the logistic regression model and its use in methods for modelling..." -- Short Book Reviews, Vol. 21, No. 2, August 2001 "In this revised and updated edition of the popular test, the authors incorporate theoretical and computing advances from the last decade." -- Journal of the American Statistical Association, September 2001 Product Description From the reviews of the First Edition. "An interesting, useful, and well-written book on logistic regression models . . . Hosmer and Lemeshow have used very little mathematics, have presented difficult concepts heuristically and through illustrative examples, and have included references."-Choice "Well written, clearly organized, and comprehensive . . . the authors carefully walk the reader through the estimation of interpretation of coefficients from a wide variety of logistic regression models . . . their careful explication of the quantitative re-expression of coefficients from these various models is excellent."-Contemporary Sociology "An extremely well-written book that will certainly prove an invaluable acquisition to the practicing statistician who finds other literature on analysis of discrete data hard to follow or heavily theoretical."-The Statistician In this revised and updated edition of their popular book, David Hosmer and Stanley Lemeshow continue to provide an amazingly accessible introduction to the logistic reg
2021-06-07 23:00:34 14.81MB Applied Logistic Regression 逻辑回归分析
2021-06-06 14:06:08 12.72MB 机器学习 python
2021-06-05 14:00:49 250KB 机器学习编程作业逻辑回归.7z
logistic/sigmoid函数作用:把取值范围从负无穷到正无穷的公式计算结果,压缩到0和1之间,这样的输出值表达为“可能性”更直观。 逻辑回归算法用于估计预测目标的可能性,它属于软分类算法,即最终得到的是一个具体的概率,而不仅仅是“是”或“不是”这样的二分类结果;
2021-05-29 18:08:11 664KB 逻辑回归 实验数据文件 C++
Stroke_Prediction_6ML_models 该项目使用六个机器学习模型(XGBoost,随机森林分类器,支持向量机,逻辑回归,单决策树分类器和TabNet)进行笔画预测。 为此,我使用了Kaggle的“ healthcare-dataset-stroke-data”。 为了确定哪种模型最适合进行笔画预测,我绘制了每种模型的曲线下面积(AUC)。 AUC越高,模型越好
2021-05-27 11:01:07 221KB JupyterNotebook
2021-05-25 09:06:37 169KB python逻辑回归案例 逻辑回归
2021-05-23 19:57:51 2.61MB 用逻辑回归制作评分卡
对数几率回归(Logistic Regression),又称为逻辑回归的python实现,并且通过梯度下降法进行优化