这是一个控制台程序,需要用命令提示符打开. (1)首先在开始菜单中打开“运行”命令,然后找到命令udp.exe (2)用同样的方法在另一台主机上运行udp.exe命令。
2021-12-30 22:02:28 14KB c语言UDP传输系统源码控制台版
// 输出屏幕提示 cleardevice(); setcolor(YELLOW); setfont(64, 0, "黑体"); outtextxy(160, 50, "打字母游戏"); setcolor(WHITE); setfont(16, 0, "宋体"); outtextxy(100, 200, "就是很传统的那个掉字母然后按相应键就消失的游戏"); outtextxy(100, 240, "只是做了一个简单的实现"); outtextxy(100, 280, "功能并不很完善,比如生命数、分数等都没有写"); outtextxy(100, 320, "感兴趣的自己加进去吧"); // 实现闪烁的“按任意键继续”
void DetectHDD() /*测试当前磁盘驱动器*/ { struct dfree diskfree; /*定义结构体变量*/ struct fatinfo fatinfo; puts("The information of the current disk is :\n"); /*送一字符串到流中,用于显示程序功能*/ getdfree(0,&diskfree); /*获取当前磁盘驱动器信息*/ getfat(0,&fatinfo); /*获取文件分配表信息*/ puts("----------------- hard disk space ------------------"); /*送一字符串到流中,用于对即将显示的*/ /*内容进行说明*/ printf(">>The num of avaible clusters is : %d\n",diskfree.df_avail); /*输出可使用的簇数*/ printf(">>The num of all clusters is : %d\n",diskfree.df_total); /*输出磁盘驱动器的簇数*/ printf(">>The num of bytes of every sector is : %d\n",diskfree.df_bsec); /*输出每个扇区的字节数字节数*/ printf(">>The num of sectors of every cluster is : %d\n",diskfree.df_sclus); /*输出每个簇的扇区数*/ puts("----------- file allocation table -------------"); /*送一字符串到流中,用于对即将显示的*/ printf(">>The num of sectors of every cluster is : %d\n",fatinfo.fi_sclus); /*输出每个簇扇区数*/ printf(">>The num of bytes of file allocation table is : %d\n",fatinfo.fi_fatid); /*文件分配表字节数*/ printf(">>The num of clusters is : %d\n",fatinfo.fi_nclus); /*簇的数目*/ printf(">>The num of ytes of every sector is : %d\n",fatinfo.fi_bysec); /*每个扇区字节数*/ }
puts("\n\n"); puts("\t\t|------------------------------------------------------|"); puts("\t\t| Booking Tickets |"); puts("\t\t|------------------------------------------------------|"); puts("\t\t| 0:quit the system |"); puts("\t\t| 1:Insert a train information |"); puts("\t\t| 2:Search a train information |"); puts("\t\t| 3:Book a train ticket |"); puts("\t\t| 4:Modify the train information |"); puts("\t\t| 5:Show the train information |"); puts("\t\t| 6:save information to file |"); puts("\t\t|------------------------------------------------------|");
2021-12-30 22:02:22 12KB c语言坑爹大冒险文字RPG游戏源