MH-Z19 从mh-z19传感器读取CO 2浓度并进行处理。 布线 将RPi和mh-z19连接为: RPi为5V,MH-Z19为Vin RPi上的GND(0v)和mh-z19上的GND TxD和RxD连接到RPi和mh-z18之间的交叉点 以下是布线示例,但是您可以自由使用RPi上的其他5v和0v引脚。 pi@raspberrypi:~/mh-z19 $ gpio readall +-----+-----+---------+------+---+---Pi B+--+---+------+---------+-----+-----+ | BCM | wPi | Name
2021-08-16 15:23:50 1021KB python raspberry-pi rpi monitor
Tensorflow 1.15.0 for Ubuntu arm64 with Python 3.7. Suitable for Raspberry Pi 3B/3B+/4B.
2021-08-15 20:31:57 57.21MB Raspberry Pi 4B Tensorflow
arm 树莓派 java8 jdk8 最新版 8u231 最新版,官方源放心使用
2021-08-15 16:00:08 72.9MB jdk jdk8 raspberry java8
光固化软件系统,在树莓派运行,包涵切片功能,可控制DLP、LCD等光源。NanoDLP is a highly advanced host and control software for LCD / DLP 3D printers. Raspberry Pi, Windows, Linux and Mac versions are available.
2021-08-10 21:30:08 563.89MB raspberry pi
编译好的easydarwin树莓派版,直接运行./easydarwin,以服务启动./,服务停止# ./, 编辑easydarwin.ini更改http端口和rtsp端口
2021-08-10 16:35:59 11.55MB easydarwin raspberry pi
2021-08-05 21:49:06 25KB raspberry nRF24L01+
2021-08-04 15:10:17 71B ANDROID raspberry
kube-vip 高可用性和负载平衡 概述 用于控制平面和 Kubernetes 服务的 Kubernetes 虚拟 IP 和负载均衡器 kube-vip背后的想法是一个适用于所有环境的小型独立的高可用性选项,尤其是: 裸机 边缘(手臂/树莓派) 虚拟化 几乎在其他任何地方:) 注意:所有使用和架构的文档现在都可以在。 特征 Kube-Vip 最初是为 Kubernetes 控制平面提供 HA 解决方案而创建的,随着时间的推移,它已经发展为将相同的功能合并到 Kubernetes 服务类型。 VIP 地址可以是 IPv4 或 IPv6 带有 ARP(第 2 层)或 BGP(第 3 层)的控制平面 使用或控制平面 带有 kubeadm(静态 Pod)的控制平面 HA 带有 K3s/和其他(守护进程)的控制平面 HA 使用 ARP服务负载均衡器(第 2 层) 通过 BGP 使
2021-08-04 14:05:37 409KB kubernetes raspberry-pi bgp load-balancer
Programming the Raspberry Pi_ Getting Started with Python Programming the Raspberry Pi_ Getting Started with Python
2021-08-02 09:36:15 15.5MB python
英文原版,数字版,无水印,有目录,第二版。 Raspberry Pi Cookbook: Software and Hardware Problems and Solutions 2nd Edition With millions of new users and several new models, the Raspberry Pi ecosystem continues to expand—along with a lot of new questions about the Pi’s capabilities. The second edition of this popular cookbook provides more than 240 hands-on recipes for running this tiny low-cost computer with Linux, programming it with Python, and hooking up sensors, motors, and other hardware—including Arduino and the Internet of Things. Prolific hacker and author Simon Monk also teaches basic principles to help you use new technologies with Raspberry Pi as its ecosystem continues to develop. This cookbook is ideal for programmers and hobbyists familiar with the Pi through resources, including Getting Started with Raspberry Pi . Python and other code examples from the book are available on GitHub. Set up your Raspberry Pi and connect to a network Work with its Linux-based operating system Program Raspberry Pi with Python Give your Pi "eyes" with computer vision Control hardware through the GPIO connector Use Raspberry Pi to run different types of motors Work with switches, keypads, and other digital inputs Use sensors to measure temperature, light, and distance Connect to IoT devices in various ways Create dynamic projects with Arduino About the Author Dr. Simon Monk has a degree in Cybernetics and Computer Science and a PhD in Software Engineering. Simon spent several years as an academic before he returned to industry, co-founding the mobile software company Momote Ltd. He has been an active electronics hobbyist since his early teens. Simon is now a full time author and his books include 'Getting Started with IOIO', '30 Arduino Projects for the Evil Genius', '15 Dangerously Mad Projects for the Evil Genius' and 'Arduino + Android Projects for the Evil Genius'. Product details Paperback: 510 pages Publisher: O' Media; 2 edition
2021-08-02 09:27:30 122.82MB Respberrypi