WinEdt一款功能强大的文本编辑器软件,特别针对 TeX 用户设计开发,也可以用于普通文本编辑和程序开发。最新发布的WinEdt 对大部分用户来说是最好的选择。WinEdt 是与Borland’s Delphi 7 Pro.一起编译的本地32-bit应用程序。WinEdt 可以在Windows Vista/XP/2000 或 NT/ME/98上运行。 WinEdt的主要特点: 支持变宽度字体和动态展宽tab(包括新mode-dependent 字体 schemes) 升级的Execution Modes Interface具有简单界面可以手动改变PATH或common executables定位 内置的MUI (My User Interface)――Macro Manual里有说明 Gather Control 和GUI Page Control的新配置 环境敏感(Environment-sensitive)格式/ wrapping规则 WinEdt provides an integrated development environment and is widely used as a front-end for compilers and typesetting systems, such as TeX. WinEdt.s highlighting schemes can be customized for different modes. WinEdt.s Spell checking functionality supports multi-lingual setups, and dictionaries (word-lists) are available for many languages. As an editor, WinEdt allows you to exploit its intuitive (customizable) predefined interface and graphic controls. However, if you are not too keen on the mouse interface, don.t worry: WinEdt also provides the means to customize its keyboard interface, allowing you to use double keystroke shortcuts that can be associated with any menu item. 破解补丁对 WinEdt 7 Build_20120321 有效.
2022-05-09 12:14:27 4.63MB TeX LaTeX WinEdt 注册
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