2021-域自适应-医学图像分析 综述译文
2022-09-22 09:08:26 38KB 域适应 医学图像 综述
使用PyTorch在MURA数据集上的DenseNet 在MURA数据集上实现169层模型的PyTorch实现,灵感来自Pranav Rajpurkar等人的论文 。 MURA是肌肉骨骼X射线照片的大型数据集,其中放射医师手动将每项研究标记为正常或异常。 重要事项: 所实现的模型是169层DenseNet,其单节点输出层使用ImageNet数据集上预先训练的模型中的权重进行初始化。 在将图像馈送到网络之前,将每个图像标准化为具有与ImageNet训练集中的图像相同的均值和标准差,并缩放为224 x 224,并通过随机的横向反转和旋转进行增强。 该模型使用了本文提到的改进的二进制交叉熵损失函数。 每次经过一段时间后,验证损失达到稳定水平,学习率就会下降10倍。 优化算法是默认参数β1= 0.9和β2= 0.999的Adam。 根据MURA数据集文件: 该模型将一个或多个用于上
ALGLIB is a cross-platform numerical analysis and data processing library. It supports several programming languages (C++, C#, Delphi) and several operating systems (Windows and POSIX, including Linux). ALGLIB features include: Data analysis (classification/regression, statistics) Optimization and nonlinear solvers Interpolation and linear/nonlinear least-squares fitting Linear algebra (direct algorithms, EVD/SVD), direct and iterative linear solvers Fast Fourier Transform and many other algorithms
2022-09-21 22:00:21 3.65MB alglib data_analysis fast_svd math_alglib_learn
Probability and Computing - Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis中文版 作者Michael Mitzenmacher, Eli Upfal
2022-09-21 19:59:19 26.47MB 概率 计算
A Semantic Framework for Data Analysis in Networked Systems论文的行为模型笔记
2022-09-18 09:05:44 259KB 笔记
对由多个(或所有)标准的备选方案的不准确、模糊、不确定性和随机性引起的决策矩阵元素的变化执行积分指数和备选方案的排名。 统计方法。
2022-09-15 21:56:09 580KB matlab
Radar Signal Analysis and Processing Using MATLAB 2009 年新书源码Bassem R. Mahafza Features Provides comprehensive coverage of radar signals and signal processing techniques and algorithms Presents easy-to-follow mathematical derivations of all equations and formulas Includes a complete set of MATLAB functions and routines, which can be downloaded online Contains numerous graphical plots, common radar-related functions, table format outputs, and end-of-chapter problems Summary Offering radar-related software for the analysis and design of radar waveform and signal processing, Radar Signal Analysis and Processing Using MATLAB® provides a comprehensive source of theoretical and practical information on radar signals, signal analysis, and radar signal processing with companion MATLAB® code. After an overview of radar systems operation and design, the book reviews elements of signal theory relevant to radar detection and radar signal processing, along with random variables and processes. The author then presents the unique characteristic of the matched filter and develops a general formula for the output of the matched filter that is valid for any waveform. He analyzes several analog waveforms, including the linear frequency modulation pulse and stepped frequency waveforms, as well as unmodulated pulse-train, binary, polyphase, and frequency codes. The book explores radar target detection and pulse integration, emphasizing the constant false alarm rate. It also covers the stretch processor, the moving target indicator, radar Doppler processing, beamforming, and adaptive array processing. Using configurable MATLAB code, this book demonstrates how to apply signal processing to radar applications. It includes many examples and problems to illustrate the practical application of the theory.
2022-09-14 19:42:48 74KB matlab radar 源码
此示例文件显示了使用受到脉冲激励的 2DOF 系统的独立分量分析 (ICA) 进行的模式形状识别。 但是,应该考虑到: - 所选的 2DOF 系统具有正交模式。 参考: --------------------- [1] Al Rumaithi, Ayad,“使用参数和非参数系统识别方法对动态结构进行表征”(2014 年)。 电子论文和学位论文。 1325. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/etd/1325 [2] Al-Rumaithi、Ayad、Hae-Bum Yun 和 Sami F. Masri。 “与 Next-ERA、PCA 和 ICA 模式相关的模式分解的比较研究。” 模型验证和不确定性量化,第 3 卷。Springer, Cham,2015 年。113-133。
2022-09-14 19:00:10 2KB matlab
The purpose of this book is to help the climatologist understand the basic precepts of the statistician’s art and to provide some of the background needed to apply statistical methodology correctly and usefully. The book is self contained: introductory material, standard advanced techniques, and the specialized techniques used specifically by climatologists are all contained within this one source. There is a wealth of realworld examples drawn from the climate literature to demonstrate the need, power and pitfalls of statistical analysis in climate research.
2022-09-13 14:56:42 11.59MB Statistics Climate Research
Power-System-Analysis-And-Design fifth edition J.D.Glover
2022-09-13 14:04:16 22.25MB Power System