Shared Memory Consistency Models A Tutorial.pdf
2021-09-18 19:01:44 142KB memory
Stochastic Models Estimation and Control 1,2,3卷,高清PDF,文字可选,是时候收藏一波了
2021-09-17 15:17:03 57.1MB Stochastic Models Estimation and
21 7Plus TM is a methodology and a software tool that was developed by the Reliability Information Analysis Center (RIAC) to aid in the assessment of system reliability. It is the next generation of the PRISM ® software tool initially released by the Reliability Analysis Center (RAC) in 1 999 (which became RIAC in 2005) and contains twice the number of models as the original PRISM ® tool. 1 The original version of PRISM ® contained embedded models that are used to estimate the failure rate of various components when exposed to a specific set of stresses that are defined by the user. Since the time PRISM ® made its debut in the user community, the equations comprising the component reliability prediction models, which form the basis of PRISM ® , were not made available in printed form. As such, a user of the software tool could not see the exact equations that comprised the models. It is always advantageous for analysts to be able to review details of the models, so that the results can be better interpreted. This Handbook is published to make available the equations and model parameters that form the basis of the 21 7Plus TM methodology
2021-09-17 10:10:17 71.25MB MIL 217 reliability pred
Product Description This book introduces the geometry of 3-D vision, that is, the reconstruction of 3-D models of objects from a collection of 2-D images. It details the classic theory of two view geometry and shows that a more proper tool for studying the geometry of multiple views is the so-called rank consideration of the multiple view matrix. It also develops practical reconstruction algorithms and discusses possible extensions of the theory. Review From the reviews: "Computer vision is invading our daily lives … . Covering all the aspects would be too vast an area to cover in one book, so here, the authors concentrated on the specific goal of recovering the geometry of a 3D object … . The 22 pages of references form a good guide to the literature. The authors found an excellent balance between a thorough mathematical treatment and the applications themselves. … the text will be a pleasure to read for students … ." (Adhemar Bultheel, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society, Vol. 12 (2), 2005) "This is primarily a textbook of core principles, taking the reader from the most basic concepts of machine vision … to detailed applications, such as autonomous vehicle navigation. … It is a clearly written book … . Everything that is required is introduced … . an entirely self-contained work. … The book is aimed at graduate or advanced undergraduate students in electrical engineering, computer science, applied mathematics, or indeed anyone interested in machine vision … . is highly recommended." (D.E. Holmgren, The Photogrammetric Record, 2004) "This very interesting book is a great book teaching how to go from two-dimensional (2D)-images to three-dimensional (3D)-models of the geometry of a scene. … A good part of this book develops the foundations of an appropriate mathematical approach necessary for solving those difficult problems. … Exercises (drill exercises, advanced exercises and programming exercises) are provided at the end of each chapter." (Hans-Dietrich
2021-09-13 01:55:36 2.7MB invitation computer vision image
LBLRTM 内容 层编号方案 LBLRTM的输出文件 运行LBLRTM的顺序 测验 经常问的问题 介绍 LBLRTM(逐行辐射传递模型)是一种准确高效的逐行辐射传递模型,源自快速大气特征码(FASCODE)。 LBLRTM已经并且一直在针对从紫外线到亚毫米的大气辐射光谱进行广泛验证。 HITRAN数据库为LBLRTM中使用的线路参数提供了基础。 这些线参数以及其他来源的其他线参数由称为LNFL的线文件创建程序提取,以便在LBLRTM中使用。 可以从Zenodo存储库中使用AER线文件检索代码或目录下载从HITRAN构建的,适用于LNFL的线参数数据库。 LBLRTM在计算中使用线路参数和MT_CKD连续体。 模型和数据因此被链接。 对于最新版本,关系为: LBLRTM版本 MT_CKD发布 线文件 v12.11 v3.5 v3.8 如果发生任何构建或运行问题,请创建问题或
introduction to probablility models (应用随机过程概率模型导论)第11版,英文文字版
2021-09-06 13:59:07 6.84MB 概率论 随机过程
opensim模型 与OpenSim应用程序一起分发的OpenSim模型(.osim)和相关示例文件。
2021-09-05 10:40:28 119.56MB HTML
matlab优化泊松方程代码漂移扩散模型 这里是1D,2D和3D模型,它们使用有限差分求解半导体Poisson-Drift-Diffusion方程。 这些模型可用于为大多数半导体器件建模。 该模型的“双电荷载流子”版本当前可解决光照下的太阳能电池。 “单电荷载流子”版本解决了一种材料的电流-电压曲线,该材料仅具有空穴作为自由载流子,并且在黑暗中处于变化的施加电压下。 可以修改所有模型以求解其他系统(即,通过更改边界条件,添加重组率和修改生成率)。 使用称为Gummel方法的自洽迭代方法求解方程。 为了确保连续性方程的数值稳定性,使用了Scharfetter Gummel离散化以及新旧解决方案的线性混合。 1D /漂移扩散/单电荷载体/ src文件夹还包含使用Slotboom变量的实现,这是在不使用Scharfetter Gummel离散化的情况下实现稳定性的另一种方法。 C ++实现的要求:1D版本:C ++ 11编译器。 其中包含用于g ++编译器的make文件以及可用于通过IDE QT Creator进行编译的.pro文件。 同样,输入文件:“ parameters.inp”和“
2021-09-04 22:17:46 2.24MB 系统开源
超声CT图像重建matlab代码GAN_模型 GAN模型 相关领域 风景 甘肃省 循环GAN 研究兴趣 精选的,详尽无遗的有关生成对抗网络(GAN)及其应用的最新出版物和资源列表。 背景 生成模型是可以学习创建与我们提供给他们的数据相似的数据的模型。 这些模型中最有前途的方法之一是生成对抗网络(GAN),这是无监督机器学习的一个分支,由两个神经网络在零和游戏框架中相互竞争的系统实现。 它们最初是由Ian Goodfellow等人介绍的。 自2014年推出以来,该资料库旨在详细介绍生殖对抗网络领域的最新作品。 图片取自 这将是一个不断发展的存储库,我将不断对其进行更新,因此在继续之前,请确保您已对该存储库加注星标并分叉! :link: 内容 :busts_in_silhouette: 贡献 欢迎捐款!! 如果您有任何建议(缺少或有新论文,缺少回购或错别字),则可以提出请求或开始讨论。 :pushpin: 开幕刊物 生成对抗网络(GAN)(2014) :fire: 伊恩·古德费洛(Ian Goodfellow)的最新论文 自我注意生成对抗网络(SAGAN)(2018) :clipboard: 论文(基于Google学术搜索引用的降序排列) 序列号 纸 年 引文 1个 深度卷积生成对抗
2021-09-03 12:07:08 60.12MB 系统开源
[注意]:抱歉,该软件还在开发阶段,无法实现相关功能,现在上传的为程序备份! [注意]:注意,写这个程序的人是个菜鸟,如果有任何Bug或者是可以优化的地方欢迎指出,谢谢!!! 介绍 这是一个用来读取和显示3D模型的软件,也可以用于格式转换。 它通过使用PyQt和PyOpenGL来加载和显示模型。 可以使用鼠标和键盘来移动,旋转和缩放模型。 英文: 需要的库 使用了两个库:PyQt5和PyOpenGL。 可以使用pip安装PyQT5,即“ pip install pyqt5”。 不过,要在64位机器上安装PyOpenGL,需要访问,因为pip重置安装的是32位版本。 除此之外,还可以使用打包好的程序,你可以在下载它。 支持的文件格式 Wavefront(数值)(。obj) FBX(.fbx) MikuMikuDance模型(.pmx) 未来可能支持的文件格式 Collada(.dae
2021-09-01 17:53:51 118KB 3d pmx 3d-models Python