Networks constitute the backbone of complex systems, from the human brain to computer communications, transport infrastructures to online social systems, metabolic reactions to financial markets. Characterising their structure improves our understanding of the physical, biological, economic and social phenomena that shape our world. Rigorous and thorough, this textbook presents a detailed overview of the new theory and methods of network science. Covering algorithms for graph exploration, node ranking and network generation, among the others, the book allows students to experiment with network models and real-world data sets, providing them with a deep understanding of the basics of network theory and its practical applications. Systems of growing complexity are examined in detail, challenging students to increase their level of skill. An engaging pre- sentation of the important principles of network science makes this the perfect reference for researchers and undergraduate and graduate students in physics, mathematics, engineering, biology, neuroscience and social sciences.
2021-06-01 11:08:37 23.31MB Complex Networks Principles Method
有限时域差分法 写XFDTD那个作者写的。
2021-05-31 10:31:39 3.51MB 有限时域差分法
河流水质实时评价技术对当前河流水资源管理和保护具有重要意义。本文以淮河水质为例,利用粒子群优化的极限学习机(Particle Swarm Optimization-Extreme Learning Machine,PSO-ELM)分类算法对淮河水质进行类别判定。在极限学习机(ELM)分类算法中随机给定输入权值矩阵和隐含层偏置,需要较多的隐含层节点才能达到所需的精度要求,隐含层节点过多易于出现过拟合现象并增加算法的计算量。本文利用粒子群算法(PSO)优化极限学习机的输入权值矩阵和隐含层偏置,计算输出权值矩阵,以减少隐含层节点。通过对比PSO-ELM、ELM这两种算法发现,PSO-ELM算法以较少的隐含层节点可获得更高的精度,降低了对实验样本的需求量,提高了模型的拟合能力。实验结果表明,PSO-ELM对于水质类别判定具有一定的可行性和有效性。
本测试提供了一种确定到芯片或封装键合表面的球形键合强度的方法,并且可以在预封装或后封装器件上执行。 粘合强度的这种度量对于确定以下两个特征极为重要: 1)已形成的冶金结合的完整性,以及 2)球键合到管芯或封装键合表面的质量。
2021-05-29 11:01:51 1.83MB JEDEC JESD22-B116B 键合 剪切
2021-05-27 10:50:41 9KB C;正态分布
KRISTER SVANBERG A new method for non-linear programming in general and structural optimization in particular is presented. In each step of the iterative process, a strictly convex approximating subproblem is generated and solved. The generation of these subproblems is controllcd by so called ‘moving asymptotes’, which may both stabilize and speed up the convergence of the general process
2021-05-24 18:54:44 752KB MMA
数学物理方程,英文教程 剑桥大学出版社 by Ken Riley, Michael Hobson Cambridge, 2002
2021-05-21 10:08:10 8.35MB 数学物理-MATH-method for physics
2021-05-20 01:00:55 8KB 信号分解
[时域有限差分法FDTD Method][高本庆][pdf].pdf [时域有限差分法FDTD Method][高本庆][pdf].pdf
2021-05-19 08:58:38 6.13MB 时域有限差分法 FDTD Method
Numerical Methods of Exploration Seismology_ With Algorithms in MATLAB (2019)
2021-05-16 10:02:10 59.53MB Numerical Method Exploration Seis