Willi A. Kalender, 西门子工作16年,有大量的CT临床应用。
2021-09-01 17:51:03 9.06MB CT IQ
2021-08-30 14:38:59 6.81MB 无线通信
入门经典 适合CMOS IC design 新手,一般学过电路分析应该看得懂,看完整本书,在接着看拉扎维 另外Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits,应该就没问题了
2021-08-29 23:06:28 4.08MB Razavi 拉扎维 CMOS IC
全世界最经典的数据结构教材,Horowitz的《数据结构基础Fundamentals of Data Structures》,中文版,其它所有数据结构书籍均继承于此,包括清华严蔚敏的书。 本书1983年出版,已经绝版。 Horowitz这个姓氏很有名,有科学家、音乐家等,犹太望族吗?
2021-08-29 17:37:10 17.16MB Fundamentals of Data Structures
Fundamentals of Massive MIMO
2021-08-29 11:00:32 9.92MB Massive MIMO
2021-08-28 09:54:34 1.38MB 数据结构基础 C语言
高级遥感教程 这些教程由纽约州立大学环境科学与林业学院的Ge (Jeff) Pu 和 Lindi Quackenbush 博士开发, 作为高级遥感课程的一部分。开发这些教程的资金由AmericaView提供。
2021-08-27 19:09:14 872KB GEE GoogleEarthEng 遥感 Fundamentals
Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation (15th Edition) By 作者: David M. Kroenke – David J. Auer – Robert C. Yoder – Scott L. Vandenberg ISBN-10 书号: 0134802748 ISBN-13 书号: 9780134802749 Edition 版本: 15 出版日期: 2018-02-16 pages 页数: (688 ) $289 For undergraduate database management courses. Getting straight to the point of database processing Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation, 15th Edition, is a thorough and modern look at database processing fundamentals that’s designed to get readers straight to the point. This 40th anniversary edition has been refined and updated to reflect contemporary teaching and professional workplace environments and methods, address the latest software, and expand upon new and emerging developments in the database processing field – such as cloud computing and Big Data.
2021-08-27 10:30:50 48.96MB Database
descript for human brain and brain network simulate.
2021-08-24 11:17:01 43.1MB Brain  Networ
This book is for web and mobile developers who have broad programming knowledge on Java or JavaScript or C# and want to develop Augmented Reality applications with Google ArCore. To follow this book no prior experience with AR development, 3D, or 3D math experience is needed. What you will learn Build and deploy your Augmented Reality app to the Android, Web, and Unity platforms Implement ARCore to identify and visualize objects as point clouds, planes, surfaces, and/or meshes Explore advanced concepts of environmental understanding using Google ARCore and OpenGL ES with Java Create light levels from ARCore and create a C# script to watch and propagate lighting changes in a scene Develop graphics shaders that react to changes in lighting and map the environment to place objects in Unity/C# Integrate motion tracking with the Web ARCore API and Google Street View to create a combined AR/VR experience Table of Contents Getting Started ARCore on Android ARCore on Unity ARCore on the Web Real-World Motion Tracking Understanding the Environment Light Estimation Recognizing the Environment Blending Light for Architectural Design Mixing in Mixed Reality Performance Tips and Troubleshooting
2021-08-24 10:29:41 10.78MB Google ARCore Fundamentals